opera-package |
Online Prediction by ExpeRt Aggregation |
blockToSeries |
Convert a 1-dimensional series to blocks |
boxplot_weights |
Functions to render dynamic mixture graphs using rAmCharts |
check_loss |
Function to check validy of provided loss function |
check_matrix |
Function to check and modify the input class and type |
electric_load |
Electricity forecasting data set |
Implementation of FTRL (Follow The Regularized Leader) |
loss |
Errors suffered by a sequence of predictions |
mixture |
Compute an aggregation rule |
opera |
Online Prediction by ExpeRt Aggregation |
oracle |
Compute oracle predictions |
plot.mixture |
Plot an object of class mixture |
plot.oracle |
Plot an aggregation procedure |
plot_avg_loss |
Functions to render dynamic mixture graphs using rAmCharts |
plot_contrib |
Functions to render dynamic mixture graphs using rAmCharts |
plot_cumul_res |
Functions to render dynamic mixture graphs using rAmCharts |
plot_dyn_avg_loss |
Functions to render dynamic mixture graphs using rAmCharts |
plot_ridge_weights |
Functions to render dynamic mixture graphs using rAmCharts |
plot_weights |
Functions to render dynamic mixture graphs using rAmCharts |
plt_oracle_convex |
Functions to render dynamic oracle graphs using rAmCharts |
predict.mixture |
Predict method for Mixture models |
print.mixture |
Compute an aggregation rule |
seriesToBlock |
Convert a 1-dimensional series to blocks |
summary.mixture |
Compute an aggregation rule |