wb_merge_cells {openxlsx2}R Documentation

Merge cells within a worksheet


Worksheet cell merging


wb_merge_cells(wb, sheet = current_sheet(), dims = NULL, solve = FALSE, ...)

wb_unmerge_cells(wb, sheet = current_sheet(), dims = NULL, ...)



A Workbook object


A name or index of a worksheet


worksheet cells


logical if intersecting merges should be solved


additional arguments


If using the deprecated arguments rows and cols with a merged region must be rectangular, only min and max of cols and rows are used.

See Also

Other workbook wrappers: base_font-wb, col_widths-wb, creators-wb, grouping-wb, row_heights-wb, wb_add_chartsheet(), wb_add_data(), wb_add_data_table(), wb_add_formula(), wb_add_pivot_table(), wb_add_slicer(), wb_add_worksheet(), wb_base_colors, wb_clone_worksheet(), wb_copy_cells(), wb_freeze_pane(), wb_save(), wb_set_last_modified_by(), wb_workbook()

Other worksheet content functions: col_widths-wb, filter-wb, grouping-wb, named_region-wb, row_heights-wb, wb_add_conditional_formatting(), wb_add_data(), wb_add_data_table(), wb_add_formula(), wb_add_pivot_table(), wb_add_slicer(), wb_add_thread(), wb_freeze_pane()


# Create a new workbook
wb <- wb_workbook()$add_worksheet()

# Merge cells: Row 2 column C to F (3:6)
wb <- wb_merge_cells(wb, dims = "C3:F6")

# Merge cells:Rows 10 to 20 columns A to J (1:10)
wb <- wb_merge_cells(wb, dims = wb_dims(rows = 10:20, cols = 1:10))


## Intersecting merges
wb <- wb_merge_cells(wb, dims = wb_dims(cols = 1:10, rows = 1))
wb <- wb_merge_cells(wb, dims = wb_dims(cols = 5:10, rows = 2))
wb <- wb_merge_cells(wb, dims = wb_dims(cols = 1:10, rows = 12))
try(wb_merge_cells(wb, dims = "A1:A10"))

## remove merged cells
# removes any intersecting merges
wb <- wb_unmerge_cells(wb, dims = wb_dims(cols = 1, rows = 1))
wb <- wb_merge_cells(wb, dims = "A1:A10")

# or let us decide how to solve this
wb <- wb_merge_cells(wb, dims = "A1:A10", solve = TRUE)

[Package openxlsx2 version 1.8 Index]