sowc_demographics {openintro} | R Documentation |
SOWC Demographics Data.
Demographic data from UNICEF's State of the World's Children 2019 Statistical Tables.
A data frame with 202 rows and 18 variables.
- countries_and_areas
Country or area name.
- total_pop_2018
Population in 2018 in thousands.
- under18_pop_2018
Population under age 18 in 2018 in thousands.
- under5_pop_2018
Population under age 5 in 2018 in thousands.
- pop_growth_rate_2018
Rate at which population is growing in 2018.
- pop_growth_rate_2030
Rate at which population is estimated to grow in 2030.
- births_2018
Number of births in 2018 in thousands.
- fertility_2018
Number of live births per woman in 2018.A total fertility level of 2.1 is called replacement level and represents a level at which the population would remain the same size.
- life_expectancy_1970
Life expectancy at birth in 1970.
- life_expectancy_2000
Life expectancy at birth in 2000.
- life_expectancy_2018
Life expectancy at birth in 2018.
- dependency_ratio_total
The ratio of the not-working-age population to the working-age population of 15 - 64 years.
- dependency_ratio_child
The ratio of the under 15 population to the working-age population of 15 - 64 years.
- dependency_ratio_oldage
The ratio of the over 64 population to the working-age population of 15 - 64 years.
- percent_urban_2018
Percent of population living in urban areas.
- pop_urban_growth_rate_2018
Annual urban population growth rate from 2000 to 2018.
- pop_urban_growth_rate_2030
Estimated annual urban population growth rate from 2018 to 2030.
- migration_rate
Net migration rate per 1000 population from 2015 to 2020.
United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
# List countries and areas' life expectancy, ordered by rank of life expectancy in 2018
sowc_demographics |>
mutate(life_expectancy_change = life_expectancy_2018 - life_expectancy_1970) |>
mutate(rank_life_expectancy = round(rank(-life_expectancy_2018), 0)) |>
countries_and_areas, rank_life_expectancy, life_expectancy_2018,
) |>
# List countries and areas' migration rate and population, ordered by rank of migration rate
sowc_demographics |>
mutate(rank = round(rank(migration_rate))) |>
mutate(population_millions = total_pop_2018 / 1000) |>
select(countries_and_areas, rank, migration_rate, population_millions) |>
# Scatterplot of life expectancy v population in 2018
ggplot(sowc_demographics, aes(life_expectancy_1970, life_expectancy_2018, size = total_pop_2018)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
title = "Life Expectancy",
subtitle = "1970 v. 2018",
x = "Life Expectancy in 1970",
y = "Life Expectancy in 2018",
size = "2018 Total Population"