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Human Freedom Index
The Human Freedom Index is a report that attempts to summarize the idea of "freedom" through a bunch of different variables for many countries around the globe. It serves as a rough objective measure for the relationships between the different types of freedom - whether it's political, religious, economical or personal freedom - and other social and economic circumstances. The Human Freedom Index is an annually co-published report by the Cato Institute, the Fraser Institute, and the Liberales Institut at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.
A data frame with 1458 observations on the following 123 variables.
- year
- ISO_code
ISO code of country
- countries
Name of country
- region
Region where country is located
- pf_rol_procedural
Procedural justice
- pf_rol_civil
Civil justice
- pf_rol_criminal
Criminal justice
- pf_rol
Rule of law
- pf_ss_homicide
- pf_ss_disappearances_disap
- pf_ss_disappearances_violent
Violent conflicts
- pf_ss_disappearances_organized
Violent conflicts
- pf_ss_disappearances_fatalities
Terrorism fatalities
- pf_ss_disappearances_injuries
Terrorism injuries
- pf_ss_disappearances
Disappearances, conflict, and terrorism
- pf_ss_women_fgm
Female genital mutilation
- pf_ss_women_missing
Missing women
- pf_ss_women_inheritance_widows
Inheritance rights for widows
- pf_ss_women_inheritance_daughters
Inheritance rights for daughters
- pf_ss_women_inheritance
- pf_ss_women
Women's security
- pf_ss
Security and safety
- pf_movement_domestic
Freedom of domestic movement
- pf_movement_foreign
Freedom of foreign movement
- pf_movement_women
Women's movement
- pf_movement
Freedom of movement
- pf_religion_estop_establish
Freedom to establish religious organizations
- pf_religion_estop_operate
Freedom to operate religious organizations
- pf_religion_estop
Freedom to establish and operate religious organizations
- pf_religion_harassment
Harassment and physical hostilities
- pf_religion_restrictions
Legal and regulatory restrictions
- pf_religion
Religious freedom
- pf_association_association
Freedom of association
- pf_association_assembly
Freedom of assembly
- pf_association_political_establish
Freedom to establish political parties
- pf_association_political_operate
Freedom to operate political parties
- pf_association_political
Freedom to establish and operate political parties
- pf_association_prof_establish
Freedom to establish professional organizations
- pf_association_prof_operate
Freedom to operate professional organizations
- pf_association_prof
Freedom to establish and operate professional organizations
- pf_association_sport_establish
Freedom to establish educational, sporting, and cultural organizations
- pf_association_sport_operate
Freedom to operate educational, sporting, and cultural organizations
- pf_association_sport
Freedom to establish and operate educational, sporting, and cultural organizations
- pf_association
Freedom to associate and assemble with peaceful individuals or organizations
- pf_expression_killed
Press killed
- pf_expression_jailed
Press jailed
- pf_expression_influence
Laws and regulations that influence media content
- pf_expression_control
Political pressures and controls on media content
- pf_expression_cable
Access to cable/satellite
- pf_expression_newspapers
Access to foreign newspapers
- pf_expression_internet
State control over internet access
- pf_expression
Freedom of expression
- pf_identity_legal
Legal gender
- pf_identity_parental_marriage
Parental rights in marriage
- pf_identity_parental_divorce
Parental rights after divorce
- pf_identity_parental
Parental rights
- pf_identity_sex_male
Male-to-male relationships
- pf_identity_sex_female
Female-to-female relationships
- pf_identity_sex
Same-sex relationships
- pf_identity_divorce
- pf_identity
Identity and relationships
- pf_score
Personal Freedom (score)
- pf_rank
Personal Freedom (rank)
- ef_government_consumption
Government consumption
- ef_government_transfers
Transfers and subsidies
- ef_government_enterprises
Government enterprises and investments
- ef_government_tax_income
Top marginal income tax rate - Top marginal income tax rates
- ef_government_tax_payroll
Top marginal income tax rate - Top marginal income and payroll tax rate
- ef_government_tax
Top marginal tax rate
- ef_government
Size of government
- ef_legal_judicial
Judicial independence
- ef_legal_courts
Impartial courts
- ef_legal_protection
Protection of property rights
- ef_legal_military
Military interference in rule of law and politics
- ef_legal_integrity
Integrity of the legal system
- ef_legal_enforcement
Legal enforcement of contracts
- ef_legal_restrictions
Regulatory restrictions on the sale of real property
- ef_legal_police
Reliability of police
- ef_legal_crime
Business costs of crime
- ef_legal_gender
Gender adjustment
- ef_legal
Legal system and property rights
- ef_money_growth
Money growth
- ef_money_sd
Standard deviation of inflation
- ef_money_inflation
Inflation - most recent year
- ef_money_currency
Freedom to own foreign currency bank account
- ef_money
Sound money
- ef_trade_tariffs_revenue
Tariffs - Revenue from trade taxes (percentage of trade sector)
- ef_trade_tariffs_mean
Tariffs - Mean tariff rate
- ef_trade_tariffs_sd
Tariffs - Standard deviation of tariffs rates
- ef_trade_tariffs
- ef_trade_regulatory_nontariff
Regulatory trade barriers - Nontariff trade barriers
- ef_trade_regulatory_compliance
Regulatory trade barriers - Compliance costs of importing and exporting
- ef_trade_regulatory
Regulatory trade barriers
- ef_trade_black
Black-market exchange rates
- ef_trade_movement_foreign
Controls of the movement of capital and people - Foreign ownership/investment restrictions
- ef_trade_movement_capital
Controls of the movement of capital and people - Capital controls
- ef_trade_movement_visit
Controls of the movement of capital and people - Freedom of foreigners to visit
- ef_trade_movement
Controls of the movement of capital and people
- ef_trade
Freedom to trade internationally
- ef_regulation_credit_ownership
Credit market regulations - Ownership of banks
- ef_regulation_credit_private
Credit market regulations - Private sector credit
- ef_regulation_credit_interest
Credit market regulations - Interest rate controls/negative real interest rates
- ef_regulation_credit
Credit market regulation
- ef_regulation_labor_minwage
Labor market regulations - Hiring regulations and minimum wage
- ef_regulation_labor_firing
Labor market regulations - Hiring and firing regulations
- ef_regulation_labor_bargain
Labor market regulations - Centralized collective bargaining
- ef_regulation_labor_hours
Labor market regulations - Hours regulations
- ef_regulation_labor_dismissal
Labor market regulations - Dismissal regulations
- ef_regulation_labor_conscription
Labor market regulations - Conscription
- ef_regulation_labor
Labor market regulation
- ef_regulation_business_adm
Business regulations - Administrative requirements
- ef_regulation_business_bureaucracy
Business regulations - Bureaucracy costs
- ef_regulation_business_start
Business regulations - Starting a business
- ef_regulation_business_bribes
Business regulations - Extra payments/bribes/favoritism
- ef_regulation_business_licensing
Business regulations - Licensing restrictions
- ef_regulation_business_compliance
Business regulations - Cost of tax compliance
- ef_regulation_business
Business regulation
- ef_regulation
Economic freedom regulation score
- ef_score
Economic freedom score
- ef_rank
Economic freedom rank
- hf_score
Human freedom score
- hf_rank
Human freedom rank
- hf_quartile
Human freedom quartile
This dataset contains information from Human Freedom Index reports from 2008-2016.
Ian Vasquez and Tanja Porcnik, The Human Freedom Index 2018: A Global Measurement of Personal, Civil, and Economic Freedom (Washington: Cato Institute, Fraser Institute, and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, 2018). https://www.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/human-freedom-index-files/human-freedom-index-2016.pdf. https://www.kaggle.com/gsutters/the-human-freedom-index.