Client Interface for 'openEO' Servers

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Documentation for package ‘openeo’ version 1.3.1

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A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V X misc

-- A --

abs.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
abs.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
acos.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
acos.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
acosh.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
acosh.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
active_connection Active Connection
active_data_collection List data on connected server
active_process_collection Get a process graph builder / process collection from the connection
AnyOf AnyOf
api_versions Returns the supported openEO API versions
Argument Argument class
Array Array
as.bbox coerce to bbox
as.bbox.bounding-box coerce to bbox
as.bbox.geojson coerce to bbox Coercions into data.frame objects Coercions into data.frame objects Coercions into data.frame objects Coercions into data.frame objects Coercions into data.frame objects Coercions into data.frame objects Coercions into data.frame objects
as.Graph Coercion into Graph
as.Graph.function Coercion into Graph
as.Graph.Process Coercion into Graph
as.Graph.ProcessInfo Coercion into Graph
as.Graph.ProcessNode Coercion into Graph
as.Process Coerce into a Process
as.Process.function Coerce into a Process
as.Process.Graph Coerce into a Process
as.Process.Job Coerce into a Process
as.Process.ProcessInfo Coerce into a Process
as.Process.ProcessNode Coerce into a Process
as.Process.Service Coerce into a Process
asin.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
asin.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
asinh.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
asinh.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
atan.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
atan.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
atanh.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
atanh.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers

-- B --

BasicAuth Basic Authentication class
binary_ops Binary function wrappers
Boolean Boolean
BoundingBox BoundingBox

-- C --

capabilities Capabilities overview
ceiling.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
ceiling.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
client_version Returns the client version
CollectionId CollectionId class
collection_viewer View openEO collections
compute_result Executes a job and returns the data immediately
conformance OGC conformance
connect Connect to a openEO service
cos.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
cos.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
cosh.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
cosh.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
create_job Creates a new job on the back-end
create_service Prepares and publishes a service on the back-end
create_user_process Stores a graph as user defined process on the back-end
create_variable Creates a variable in a process graph
cummax.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
cummax.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
cummin.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
cummin.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
cumprod.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
cumprod.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
cumsum.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
cumsum.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers

-- D --

Date Date
DateTime DateTime
debug Triggers debugging mode Triggers debugging mode
delete_file Delete a file from the user workspace
delete_job Delete a job
delete_service Deletes a service function for a job
delete_user_process Deletes a user process
describe_account Get the current user account information
describe_collection Describe a collection
describe_job Fetches information about a job
describe_process Describe a process
describe_service Describes a service
describe_user_process Fetches the representation of a stored user defined process
dimensions Returns dimension
dimensions.Collection Returns dimension information
disconnect disconnect
download_file Download a file from the user workspace
download_results Downloads the results of a job

-- E --

EPSGCode EPSGCode class
estimate_job Estimates job costs
exp.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
exp.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers

-- F --

floor.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
floor.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers

-- G --

GeoJson GeoJson
get_sample Get sample data
Graph Graph object
graphToJSON *toJSON functions
graphToJSON-deprecated *toJSON functions
group_ops Group operator wrappers

-- I --

IAuth IAuth
Integer Integer class
is.debugging Triggers debugging mode

-- J --

JobId JobId class

-- K --

Kernel Kernel

-- L --

list_collections List data on connected server
list_features List the openEO endpoints
list_files List workspace files
list_file_formats Supported Input/Output formats
list_jobs List the jobs of a user
list_oidc_providers Available OIDC provider
list_processes List available processes on server
list_results Creates a list of download paths
list_services Lists the current users services
list_service_types Returns the web service types of the back-end
list_udf_runtimes Lists the supported UDF runtimes
list_user_processes Lists the IDs of the process graphs from the current user.
log.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
log.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
log10.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
log10.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
login Log in on a specific back-end
logout Log out
logs Access logs of a Service or Job
log_job Job log
log_service Service log

-- M --

max.list Group operator wrappers
max.ProcessGraphParameter Group operator wrappers
max.ProcessNode Group operator wrappers
mean.list Group operator wrappers
mean.ProcessGraphParameter Group operator wrappers
mean.ProcessNode Group operator wrappers
median.list Group operator wrappers
median.ProcessGraphParameter Group operator wrappers
median.ProcessNode Group operator wrappers
MetadataFilter MetadataFilter
min.list Group operator wrappers
min.ProcessGraphParameter Group operator wrappers
min.ProcessNode Group operator wrappers

-- N --

Number Number class

-- O --

OIDCAuth OIDC Authentication
openeo-deprecated openeo-deprecated
OpenEOClient openEO client class
OutputFormat OutputFormat class
OutputFormatOptions OutputFormatOptions

-- P --

Parameter Parameter class
parse_graph Converts a JSON openEO graph into an R graph
print.ProcessInfo Print an openEO process
print.User Prints a User object
privacy_policy Visualize the privacy policy
Process Process object
ProcessCollection Process Collection
processes Get a process graph builder / process collection from the connection
ProcessGraphArgument ProcessGraphArgument
ProcessGraphId ProcessGraphId
ProcessGraphParameter ProcessGraphParameter
ProcessNode Process Node object
processToJSON *toJSON functions
processToJSON-deprecated *toJSON functions
process_viewer Viewer panel for provided openEO processes
prod.list Group operator wrappers
prod.ProcessGraphParameter Group operator wrappers
prod.ProcessNode Group operator wrappers
ProjDefinition ProjDefinition

-- Q --

quantile.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
quantile.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers

-- R --

range.list Group operator wrappers
range.ProcessGraphParameter Group operator wrappers
range.ProcessNode Group operator wrappers
RasterCube RasterCube
remove_variable Removes a variable from the Graph
round.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
round.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers

-- S --

sd.list Group operator wrappers
sd.ProcessGraphParameter Group operator wrappers
sd.ProcessNode Group operator wrappers
send_udf Test a UDF operation
sign.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
sign.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
sin.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
sin.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
sinh.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
sinh.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
sqrt.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
sqrt.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
start_job Starts remote asynchronous evaluation of a job
status Retrieves the status
status.Job Retrieves the status
status.OpenEOClient Retrieves the status
status.Service Retrieves the status
stop_job Terminates a running job
String String class
st_bbox.ProcessNode st_bbox for ProcessNode
sum.list Group operator wrappers
sum.ProcessGraphParameter Group operator wrappers
sum.ProcessNode Group operator wrappers
supports Tag support lookup

-- T --

tan.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
tan.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
tanh.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
tanh.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
TemporalInterval TemporalInterval
TemporalIntervals TemporalIntervals
terms_of_service Visualize the terms of service
Time Time
toJSON Wrapper for toJSON
toJSON-method Wrapper for toJSON
trunc.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
trunc.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers

-- U --

UdfCodeArgument UdfCodeArgument class
UdfRuntimeArgument UdfRuntimeArgument class
UdfRuntimeVersionArgument UdfRuntimeVersionArgument class
unary_ops Unary function wrappers
update_job Modifies a job with given parameter
update_service Modifies a service
update_user_process Update an user defined process
upload_file Upload data into the users workspace
UserProcessCollection User Defined Process Collection
user_processes Process collection for user defined processes

-- V --

validate_process Validate a user process
var.list Group operator wrappers
var.ProcessGraphParameter Group operator wrappers
var.ProcessNode Group operator wrappers
variables Lists the defined variables for a graph
VectorCube VectorCube

-- X --

xor.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
xor.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers

-- misc --

!.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
!.ProcessNode Unary function wrappers
!=.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
!=.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
%%.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
%%.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
&.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
&.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
*.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
*.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
+.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
+.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
-.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
-.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
/.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
/.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
<.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
<.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
<=.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
<=.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
==.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
==.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
>.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
>.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
>=.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
>=.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
[.ProcessGraphParameter Unary function wrappers
^.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
^.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers
|.ProcessGraphParameter Binary function wrappers
|.ProcessNode Binary function wrappers