span_table {onbrand}R Documentation

Spread Large Table Over Smaller Tables


Takes a large table and spreads it over smaller tables to paginate it. It will preserve common row information on the left and separate columns according to maximum specifications. The final tables will have widths less than or equal to both max_col and max_width, and heights less than or equal to both max_row and max_height.


  table_body = NULL,
  row_common = NULL,
  table_body_head = NULL,
  row_common_head = NULL,
  header_format = "text",
  obnd = NULL,
  max_row = 20,
  max_col = 10,
  max_height = 7,
  max_width = 6.5,
  table_alignment = "center",
  inner_border = officer::fp_border(color = "black", width = 0.3),
  outer_border = officer::fp_border(color = "black", width = 2),
  set_header_inner_border_v = TRUE,
  set_header_inner_border_h = TRUE,
  set_header_outer_border = TRUE,
  set_body_inner_border_v = TRUE,
  set_body_inner_border_h = FALSE,
  set_body_outer_border = TRUE,
  notes_detect = NULL



Data frame with the body of the large table.


Data frame with the common rows.


Data frame or matrix with headers for the table body.


Data frame or matrix with headers for the common rows.


Format of the header either "text" (default) or "md" for markdown.


Optional onbrand object used to format markdown. The default NULL value will use default formatting.


Maximum number of rows in output tables (A value of NULL will set max_row to the number of rows in the table).


Maximum number of columns in output tables (A value of NULL will set max_col to number of columns in the table).


Maximum height of the final table in inches (A value of NULL will use 100 inches).


Maximum width of the final table in inches (A value of NULL will use 100 inches).


Character string specifying the alignment #'of the table (body and headers). Can be "center" (default), "left", "right", or "justify"


Border object for inner border lines defined using officer::fp_border()


Border object for outer border lines defined using officer::fp_border()


Boolean value to enable or disable inner vertical borders for headers


Boolean value to enable or disable inner horizontal borders for headers


Boolean value to enable or disable outer border for headers


Boolean value to enable or disable inner vertical borders for the body


Boolean value to enable or disable inner horizontal borders for the body


Boolean value to enable or disable outer border borders for the body


Vector of strings to detect in output tables (example c("NC", "BLQ")).


The way the data frames relate to each other are mapped out below. The dimensions of the different data frames are identified below (nrow x ncol)

 |-------------------------------------| ---
 |                 |                   |  ^
 |                 |                   |  |
 | row_common_head |  table_body_head  |  | m
 |      m x n      |       m x c       |  |
 |                 |                   |  v
 |-------------------------------------| ---
 |                 |                   |  ^
 |                 |                   |  |
 |    row_common   |    table_body     |  | r
 |      r x n      |      r x c        |  |
 |                 |                   |  |
 |                 |                   |  v
 |-------------------------------------| ---

         n                   c


list with the following elements

See Also

build_span for the relationship of inputs.


trow = c(1:51)
tcol = c(1:63)
cht  = c(rep("A", 20),
         rep("B", 20),
         rep("C", 11))

table_body = NULL
for(cn in tcol){
    tmp_cmd =  paste0("table_body = data.frame(C_",
                      cn,"= paste0(trow, ',', cn))")
  } else {
    tmp_cmd =  paste0("table_body = cbind(table_body, data.frame(C_",
                      cn,"= paste0(trow, ',', cn)))")

table_body[1,]    = "BQL"
table_body[5,8]   = "NC"
table_body[20,]   = "BQL"
table_body[25,2]  = "NC"

row_common = data.frame(
    ID = trow,
    CH = cht)

row_common_head = data.frame(
    ID  = c("ID",     "ID", "ID"),
    CH  = c("Cohort", "Cohort", "Cohort"))

table_body_head = NULL

cidx = 1
for(cn in names(table_body)){

  units = "units"
  range = "range"

  if(cidx < 4){
    range = "R A"
  } else if(cidx < 12 ){
    range = "R B"
  } else if(cidx < 18 ){
    range = "R C"
  } else if(cidx < 28 ){
    range = "R D"
  } else if(cidx < 35 ){
    range = "R E"
  } else if(cidx < 48 ){
    range = "R F"
  } else if(cidx < 55 ){
    range = "R G"
  } else if(cidx < 60 ){
    range = "R H"
  } else {
    range = "R I"

  if(cidx < 4){
    units = "U A"
  } else if(cidx < 8  ){
    units = "U B"
  } else if(cidx < 14 ){
    units = "U Q"
  } else if(cidx < 18 ){
    units = "U C"
  } else if(cidx < 28 ){
    units = "U D"
  } else if(cidx < 35 ){
    units = "U E"
  } else if(cidx < 48 ){
    units = "U F"
  } else if(cidx < 55 ){
    units = "U G"
  } else if(cidx < 60 ){
    units = "U H"
  } else {
    units = "U I"

    tmp_cmd =  paste0("table_body_head = data.frame(",
                      cn,'= c("', cn, '", units, range))')
  } else {
    tmp_cmd =  paste0("table_body_head = cbind(table_body_head, data.frame(",
                      cn,'= c("', cn, '", units, range)))')

  cidx = cidx + 1

res =
span_table(table_body      = table_body,
           row_common      = row_common,
           table_body_head = table_body_head,
           row_common_head = row_common_head,
           max_row         = 20,
           max_col         = 10,
           notes_detect    = c("BQL", "NC"))

# Notes detected in the first table:
res[["tables"]][["Table 1"]][["notes"]]

# First table as a data frame:
res[["tables"]][["Table 1"]][["df"]]

# First table as a flextable:
res[["tables"]][["Table 1"]][["ft"]]


[Package onbrand version 1.0.5 Index]