report_add_doc_content {onbrand}R Documentation

Add Content to Body of a Word Document Report


Appends content to the body of a Word document


  type = NULL,
  content = NULL,
  fig_start_at = NULL,
  tab_start_at = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



onbrand report object


Type of content to add


Content to add


Indicates that you want to restart figure numbering at the specified value (e.g. 1) after adding this content a value of NULL (default) will ignore this option.


Indicates that you want to restart figure numbering at the specified value (e.g. 1) after adding this content a value of NULL (default) will ignore this option.


Boolean variable when set to TRUE (default) messages will be displayed on the terminal; Messages will be included in the returned onbrand object.


For each content types listed below the different content outlined is expected. Text can be specified in different formats: "text" indicates plain text, "fpar" is formatted text defined by the fpar command from the officer package, "ftext" is a list of formatted text defined by the ftext command, and "md" is text formatted in markdown format (?md_to_officer for markdown details).


onbrand object with the content added to the body or isgood set to FALSE with any messages in the msgs field. The isgood value is a Boolean variable indicating the current state of the object.


# Read  Word template into an onbrand object
obnd = read_template(
 template = file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.docx"),
 mapping  = file.path(system.file(package="onbrand"), "templates", "report.yaml"))

# The examples below use the following packages

# Adding text
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
  type     = "text",
  content  = list(text="Text with no style specified will use the doc_def text format."))

# Text formatted with fpar
fpartext = fpar(
ftext("Formatted text can be created using the ", prop=NULL),
ftext("fpar ", prop=fp_text(color="green")),
ftext("command from the officer package.", prop=NULL))

obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
 type     = "text",
 content  = list(text   = fpartext,
                 format = "fpar",
                 style  = "Normal"))

# Text formatted with markdown
mdtext = "Formatted text can be created using
**<color:green>markdown</color>** formatting"
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
 type     = "text",
 content  = list(text   = mdtext,
                 format = "md",
                 style  = "Normal"))

# Adding figures
p = ggplot() + annotate("text", x=0, y=0, label = "picture example")
imgfile = tempfile(pattern="image", fileext=".png")
ggsave(filename=imgfile, plot=p, height=5.15, width=9, units="in")

# From an image file:
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
type     = "imagefile",
content  = list(image   = imgfile,
               caption = "This is an example of an image from a file."))

# From a ggplot object
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
type     = "imagefile",
content  = list(image   = imgfile,
               caption = "This is an example of an image from a file."))

#Adding tables
tdf =    data.frame(Parameters = c("Length", "Width", "Height"),
                Values     = 1:3,
                Units      = c("m", "m", "m") )

# Word table
tab_cont = list(table   = tdf,
               caption = "Word Table.")
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
 type     = "table",
 content  = tab_cont)

# onbrand flextable abstraction:
tab_cont = list(table   = tdf,
               caption = "Word Table.")
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
type     = "table",
content  = tab_cont)

# flextable object
tab_fto = flextable(tdf)
obnd = report_add_doc_content(obnd,
 type     = "flextable_object",
 content  = list(ft=tab_fto,
                 caption  = "Flextable object created by the user."))

# Saving the report output
save_report(obnd, tempfile(fileext = ".docx"))

[Package onbrand version 1.0.5 Index]