Methods and Classes for the OMOP Common Data Model

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Documentation for package ‘omopgenerics’ version 0.2.0

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$.cdm_reference Subset a cdm reference object.
$<-.cdm_reference Assign an table to a cdm reference.
achillesColumns Required columns for each of the achilles result tables
achillesTables Names of the tables that contain the results of achilles analyses
attrition Get attrition from an object.
attrition.cohort_table Get cohort attrition from a cohort_table object.
bind Bind two or more objects of the same class.
bind.cohort_table Bind two or more cohort tables
bind.summarised_result Bind two or summarised_result objects
cdmFromTables Create a cdm object from local tables
cdmName Get the name of a cdm_reference associated object
cdmReference Get the 'cdm_reference' of a 'cdm_table'.
cdmSelect Restrict the cdm object to a subset of tables.
cdmSource Get the source of a cdm_reference.
cdmSourceType Get the source type of a cdm_reference object.
cdmTableFromSource This is an internal developer focused function that creates a cdm_table from a table that shares the source but it is not a cdm_table. Please use insertTable if you want to insert a table to a cdm_reference object.
cdmVersion Get the version of a cdm_reference.
checkCohortRequirements Check whether a cohort table satisfies requirements
cohortCodelist Get codelist from a cohort_table object.
cohortColumns Required columns for a generated cohort set.
cohortCount Get cohort counts from a cohort_table object.
cohortTables Cohort tables that a cdm reference can contain in the OMOP Common Data Model.
collect.cdm_reference Retrieves the cdm reference into a local cdm.
collect.cohort_table To collect a 'cohort_table' object.
compute.cdm_table Store results in a table.
dropSourceTable Drop a table from a cdm object.
dropTable Drop a table from a cdm object.
emptyAchillesTable Create an empty achilles table
emptyCdmReference Create an empty cdm_reference
emptyCodelist Empty 'codelist' object.
emptyCohortTable Create an empty cohort_table object
emptyOmopTable Create an empty omop table
emptySummarisedResult Empty 'summarised_result' object.
estimateTypeChoices Choices that can be present in 'estimate_type' column.
exportSummarisedResult Export a summarised_result object to a csv file.
getCohortId Get the cohort definition id of a certain name
getCohortName Get the cohort name of a certain cohort definition id
insertFromSource Convert a table that is not a cdm_table but have the same original source to a cdm_table. This Table is not meant to be used to insert tables in the cdm, please use insertTable instead.
insertTable Insert a table to a cdm object.
listSourceTables List tables that can be accessed though a cdm object.
newAchillesTable Create an achilles table from a cdm_table.
newCdmReference 'cdm_reference' objects constructor
newCdmSource Create a cdm source object.
newCdmTable Create an cdm table.
newCodelist 'codelist' object constructor
newCohortTable 'cohort_table' objects constructor.
newConceptSetExpression 'conceptSetExpression' object constructor
newLocalSource A new local source for the cdm
newOmopTable Create an omop table from a cdm table.
newSummarisedResult 'summarised_results' object constructor
omopColumns Required columns that the standard tables in the OMOP Common Data Model must have.
omopTables Standard tables that a cdm reference can contain in the OMOP Common Data Model.
participants It returns the participants that contributed to a particular analysis
print.cdm_reference Print a CDM reference object
print.codelist Print a codelist
print.conceptSetExpression Print a concept set expression
readSourceTable Read a table from the cdm_source and add it to to the cdm.
recordCohortAttrition Update cohort attrition.
resultColumns Required columns that the result tables must have.
settings Get settings from an object.
settings.cohort_table Get cohort settings from a cohort_table object.
settings.summarised_result Get settings from a summarised_result object.
sourceType Get the source type of a cdm_source.
summary.cdm_reference Summary a cdm reference
summary.cohort_table Summary a generated cohort set
summary.summarised_result Summary a summarised_result
suppress Function to suppress counts in result objects
suppress.summarised_result Function to suppress counts in result objects
tableName Get the table name of a 'cdm_table'.
tableSource Get the table source of a 'cdm_table'.
tmpPrefix Create a temporary prefix for tables, that contains a unique prefix that starts with tmp.
toSnakeCase Convert a character vector to snake case
uniqueTableName Create a unique table name
validateNameLevel Validate if two columns are valid Name-Level pair.
[[.cdm_reference Subset a cdm reference object.
[[<-.cdm_reference Assign a table to a cdm reference.