$.cdm_reference | Subset a cdm reference object. |
$<-.cdm_reference | Assign an table to a cdm reference. |
achillesColumns | Required columns for each of the achilles result tables |
achillesTables | Names of the tables that contain the results of achilles analyses |
attrition | Get attrition from an object. |
attrition.cohort_table | Get cohort attrition from a cohort_table object. |
bind | Bind two or more objects of the same class. |
bind.cohort_table | Bind two or more cohort tables |
bind.summarised_result | Bind two or summarised_result objects |
cdmFromTables | Create a cdm object from local tables |
cdmName | Get the name of a cdm_reference associated object |
cdmReference | Get the 'cdm_reference' of a 'cdm_table'. |
cdmSelect | Restrict the cdm object to a subset of tables. |
cdmSource | Get the source of a cdm_reference. |
cdmSourceType | Get the source type of a cdm_reference object. |
cdmTableFromSource | This is an internal developer focused function that creates a cdm_table from a table that shares the source but it is not a cdm_table. Please use insertTable if you want to insert a table to a cdm_reference object. |
cdmVersion | Get the version of a cdm_reference. |
checkCohortRequirements | Check whether a cohort table satisfies requirements |
cohortCodelist | Get codelist from a cohort_table object. |
cohortColumns | Required columns for a generated cohort set. |
cohortCount | Get cohort counts from a cohort_table object. |
cohortTables | Cohort tables that a cdm reference can contain in the OMOP Common Data Model. |
collect.cdm_reference | Retrieves the cdm reference into a local cdm. |
collect.cohort_table | To collect a 'cohort_table' object. |
compute.cdm_table | Store results in a table. |
dropSourceTable | Drop a table from a cdm object. |
dropTable | Drop a table from a cdm object. |
emptyAchillesTable | Create an empty achilles table |
emptyCdmReference | Create an empty cdm_reference |
emptyCodelist | Empty 'codelist' object. |
emptyCodelistWithDetails | Empty 'codelist' object. |
emptyCohortTable | Create an empty cohort_table object |
emptyOmopTable | Create an empty omop table |
emptySummarisedResult | Empty 'summarised_result' object. |
estimateTypeChoices | Choices that can be present in 'estimate_type' column. |
exportSummarisedResult | Export a summarised_result object to a csv file. |
getCohortId | Get the cohort definition id of a certain name |
getCohortName | Get the cohort name of a certain cohort definition id |
getPersonIdentifier | Get the column name with the person identifier from a table (either subject_id or person_id), it will throw an error if it contains both or neither. |
insertFromSource | Convert a table that is not a cdm_table but have the same original source to a cdm_table. This Table is not meant to be used to insert tables in the cdm, please use insertTable instead. |
insertTable | Insert a table to a cdm object. |
listSourceTables | List tables that can be accessed though a cdm object. |
newAchillesTable | Create an achilles table from a cdm_table. |
newCdmReference | 'cdm_reference' objects constructor |
newCdmSource | Create a cdm source object. |
newCdmTable | Create an cdm table. |
newCodelist | 'codelist' object constructor |
newCodelistWithDetails | 'codelist' object constructor |
newCohortTable | 'cohort_table' objects constructor. |
newConceptSetExpression | 'conceptSetExpression' object constructor |
newLocalSource | A new local source for the cdm |
newOmopTable | Create an omop table from a cdm table. |
newSummarisedResult | 'summarised_results' object constructor |
omopColumns | Required columns that the standard tables in the OMOP Common Data Model must have. |
omopTables | Standard tables that a cdm reference can contain in the OMOP Common Data Model. |
participants | It returns the participants that contributed to a particular analysis |
print.cdm_reference | Print a CDM reference object |
print.codelist | Print a codelist |
print.codelist_with_details | Print a codelist with details |
print.conceptSetExpression | Print a concept set expression |
readSourceTable | Read a table from the cdm_source and add it to to the cdm. |
recordCohortAttrition | Update cohort attrition. |
resultColumns | Required columns that the result tables must have. |
settings | Get settings from an object. |
settings.cohort_table | Get cohort settings from a cohort_table object. |
settings.summarised_result | Get settings from a summarised_result object. |
sourceType | Get the source type of a cdm_source. |
summary.cdm_reference | Summary a cdm reference |
summary.cohort_table | Summary a generated cohort set |
summary.summarised_result | Summary a summarised_result |
suppress | Function to suppress counts in result objects |
suppress.summarised_result | Function to suppress counts in result objects |
tableName | Get the table name of a 'cdm_table'. |
tableSource | Get the table source of a 'cdm_table'. |
tmpPrefix | Create a temporary prefix for tables, that contains a unique prefix that starts with tmp. |
toSnakeCase | Convert a character vector to snake case |
uniqueId | Get a unique Identifier with a certain number of characters and a prefix. |
uniqueTableName | Create a unique table name |
validateNameLevel | Validate if two columns are valid Name-Level pair. |
[[.cdm_reference | Subset a cdm reference object. |
[[<-.cdm_reference | Assign a table to a cdm reference. |