Creation of Mock Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model

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Documentation for package ‘omock’ version 0.2.0

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mockCdmFromTables Creates a mock cdm_reference from a preexisting cdm_reference object (it can be empty) and a list of tables. It makes sure that all the observations are within observation and all individuals are present in person table.
mockCdmReference Function to create empty cdm reference for mock database
mockCohort Function to generate synthetic Cohort
mockConcepts function to add mockconcept et to concept table
mockConditionOccurrence Function to generate condition occurrence table
mockDeath Function to creat mock death table
mockDrugExposure Function to generate drug exposure table
mockMeasurement Function to generate measurement table
mockObservation Function to generate observation table
mockObservationPeriod mockObservationPeriod
mockPerson mockPerson
mockVocabularyTables It creates a mock database with the vocabulary.