Design on-Farm Precision Field Agronomic Trials

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Documentation for package ‘ofpetrial’ version 0.1.1

Help Pages

add_blocks Add blocks to trial design
assign_rates Assign rates to the plots of experimental plots
change_rates Change the assigned rates
check_alignment Check the alignment of harvester and applicator/planter
check_ortho_inputs Check the correlation of the two inputs
check_ortho_with_chars Check the orthogonality with field/topographic characteristics
exp_data Experiment data
make_exp_plots Make experimental plots/strips inside the field boundary
make_trial_report Create trial design report
plot_info Plot information
prep_plot Prepare plot information for a single-input experiment (length in meter)
prep_rate Create data of input rate information for a single input
rate_info Rate information
td_curved Trial design (single-input) for a curved field
td_single_input Trial design (single-input)
td_two_input Trial design (two-input)
viz Visualize various aspects of a trial design
write_trial_files Write trial design files for field implementation