run_autonum {officer}R Documentation

Auto number


Create an autonumbered chunk, i.e. a string representation of a sequence, each item will be numbered. These runs can also be bookmarked and be used later for cross references.


  seq_id = "table",
  pre_label = "Table ",
  post_label = ": ",
  bkm = NULL,
  bkm_all = FALSE,
  prop = NULL,
  start_at = NULL,
  tnd = 0,
  tns = "-"



sequence identifier

pre_label, post_label

text to add before and after number


bookmark id to associate with autonumber run. If NULL, no bookmark is added. Value can only be made of alpha numeric characters, ':', -' and '_'.


if TRUE, the bookmark will be set on the whole string, if FALSE, the bookmark will be set on the number only. Default to FALSE. As an effect when a reference to this bookmark is used, the text can be like "Table 1" or "1" (pre_label is not included in the referenced text).


formatting text properties returned by fp_text.


If not NULL, it must be a positive integer, it specifies the new number to use, at which number the auto numbering will restart.


title number depth, a positive integer (only applies if positive) that specify the depth (or heading of level depth) to use for prefixing the caption number with this last reference number. For example, setting tnd=2 will generate numbered captions like '4.3-2' (figure 2 of chapter 4.3).


separator to use between title number and table number. Default is "-".


You can use this function in conjunction with fpar to create paragraphs consisting of differently formatted text parts. You can also use this function as an r chunk in an R Markdown document made with package officedown.

See Also

Other run functions for reporting: external_img(), ftext(), hyperlink_ftext(), run_bookmark(), run_columnbreak(), run_comment(), run_footnote(), run_footnoteref(), run_linebreak(), run_pagebreak(), run_reference(), run_tab(), run_word_field(), run_wordtext()

Other Word computed fields: run_reference(), run_word_field()


run_autonum(seq_id = "fig", pre_label = "fig. ")
run_autonum(seq_id = "tab", pre_label = "Table ", bkm = "anytable")
  seq_id = "tab", pre_label = "Table ", bkm = "anytable",
  tnd = 2, tns = " "

[Package officer version 0.6.6 Index]