assert_correlation_matrix | Check if an argument is a correlation matrix |
assert_covariance_matrix | Check if an argument is a covariance matrix |
assert_list_of_lists | Check if an argument is a list of lists |
assert_numeric_vector | Check if an argument is a numeric vector |
assert_probability_vector | Check if an argument is a probability vector |
assert_transition_probability_matrix | Check if an argument is a transition probability matrix |
check_correlation_matrix | Check if an argument is a correlation matrix |
check_covariance_matrix | Check if an argument is a covariance matrix |
check_date | Check date format |
check_list_of_lists | Check if an argument is a list of lists |
check_numeric_vector | Check if an argument is a numeric vector |
check_probability_vector | Check if an argument is a probability vector |
check_transition_probability_matrix | Check if an argument is a transition probability matrix |
chol_2_cov | Get Cholesky root elements and build covariance matrix |
chunk_vector | Split a vector into chunks |
cov_2_chol | Get Cholesky root elements and build covariance matrix |
ddirichlet | Compute density of Dirichlet distribution |
delete_data_frame_columns | Deleting 'data.frame' columns |
delta | Difference and un-difference covariance matrix |
Dictionary | Dictionary R6 Object |
diff_cov | Difference and un-difference covariance matrix |
dmvnorm | Compute density of multivariate normal distribution |
do.call_timed | Measure computation time |
dwishart | Compute density of (Inverse-) Wishart distribution |
find_closest_year | Find the closest year to a given date |
function_arguments | Get function arguments |
function_body | Extract function body |
function_defaults | Get default function arguments |
group_data_frame | Grouping of a 'data.frame' |
identical_structure | Check if two objects have identical structure |
insert_matrix_column | Insert column in matrix |
insert_vector_entry | Insert entry in vector |
match_arg | Argument matching |
match_numerics | Best-possible match of two numeric vectors |
matrix_diagonal_indices | Get indices of matrix diagonal |
matrix_indices | Get 'matrix' indices |
merge_lists | Merge named lists |
package_logo | Creating a basic logo for an R package |
permutations | Build permutations |
print_matrix | Print (abbreviated) 'matrix' |
rdirichlet | Draw from Dirichlet distribution |
renv_development_packages | Using development packages when working with '{renv}' |
rmvnorm | Draw from multivariate normal distribution |
rwishart | Draw from Wishart distribution |
sample_covariance_matrix | Sample covariance matrix |
sample_transition_probability_matrix | Sample transition probability matrices |
simulate_markov_chain | Simulate Markov chain |
stationary_distribution | Stationary distribution |
Storage | Storage R6 Object |
subsets | Generate vector subsets |
system_information | General system level information |
test_correlation_matrix | Check if an argument is a correlation matrix |
test_covariance_matrix | Check if an argument is a covariance matrix |
test_list_of_lists | Check if an argument is a list of lists |
test_numeric_vector | Check if an argument is a numeric vector |
test_probability_vector | Check if an argument is a probability vector |
test_transition_probability_matrix | Check if an argument is a transition probability matrix |
timed | Interrupt long evaluations |
try_silent | Try an expression silently |
undiff_cov | Difference and un-difference covariance matrix |
unexpected_error | Handling of an unexpected error |
unique_chol | Get Cholesky root elements and build covariance matrix |
user_confirm | User confirmation |
variable_name | Determine variable name |
vector_occurrence | Find the positions of first or last occurrence of unique vector elements |