power.4 {odr}R Documentation

Budget and/or sample size, power, MDES calculation for four-level CRTs detecting main effects


This function can calculate required budget for desired power, power or minimum detectable effect size (MDES) under fixed budget for four-level cluster randomized trials (CRTs). It also can perform conventional power analyses (e.g., required sample size, power, and MDES calculation).


  cost.model = TRUE,
  expr = NULL,
  constraint = NULL,
  sig.level = 0.05,
  two.tailed = TRUE,
  d = NULL,
  power = NULL,
  m = NULL,
  n = NULL,
  J = NULL,
  K = NULL,
  L = NULL,
  p = NULL,
  icc2 = NULL,
  icc3 = NULL,
  icc4 = NULL,
  r12 = NULL,
  r22 = NULL,
  r32 = NULL,
  r42 = NULL,
  q = NULL,
  c1 = NULL,
  c2 = NULL,
  c3 = NULL,
  c4 = NULL,
  c1t = NULL,
  c2t = NULL,
  c3t = NULL,
  c4t = NULL,
  dlim = NULL,
  powerlim = NULL,
  Llim = NULL,
  mlim = NULL,
  rounded = TRUE



Logical; power analyses accommodating costs and budget (e.g., required budget for desired power, power/MDES under fixed budget) if TRUE, otherwise conventional power analyses (e.g., required sample size, power, or MDES calculation); default value is TRUE.


Returned objects from function od.4; default value is NULL; if expr is specified, parameter values of icc2, icc3, icc4, r12, r22, r32, r42, c1, c2, c3, c4, c1t, c2t, c3t, c4t, p, n, J, and K used or solved in function od.4 will be passed to current function; only the values of p, n, J, and/or K that specified or solved in function od.4 can be overwritten if constraint is specified.


Specify the constrained values of p, n, J, and/or K in list format to overwrite those from expr; default value is NULL.


Significance level or type I error rate, default value is 0.05.


Logical; two-tailed tests if TRUE, otherwise one-tailed tests; default value is TRUE.


Effect size.


Statistical power.


Total budget.


The level-1 sample size per level-2 unit.


The level-2 sample size per level-3 unit.


The level-3 sample size per level-4 unit.


The total level-4 sample size.


The proportion of level-4 clusters/units to be assigned to treatment.


The unconditional intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) at level 2.


The unconditional intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) at level 3.


The unconditional intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) at level 4.


The proportion of level-1 variance explained by covariates.


The proportion of level-2 variance explained by covariates.


The proportion of level-3 variance explained by covariates.


The proportion of level-4 variance explained by covariates.


The number of covariates at level 4.


The cost of sampling one level-1 unit in control condition.


The cost of sampling one level-2 unit in control condition.


The cost of sampling one level-3 unit in control condition.


The cost of sampling one level-4 unit in control condition.


The cost of sampling one level-1 unit in treatment condition.


The cost of sampling one level-2 unit in treatment condition.


The cost of sampling one level-3 unit in treatment condition.


The cost of sampling one level-4 unit in treatment condition.


The range for solving the root of effect size (d) numerically, default value is c(0, 5).


The range for solving the root of power (power) numerically, default value is c(1e-10, 1 - 1e-10).


The range for solving the root of level-4 sample size (L) numerically, default value is c(4, 1e+10).


The range for searching the root of budget (m) numerically, default value is the costs sampling Llim level-4 units across treatment conditions or c(4 * Lcost, 1e+10 * Lcost) with Lcost = ((1 - p) * (c1 * n * J * K + c2 * J * K + c3 * K + c4) + p * (c1t * n * J * K + c2t * J * K + c3t * K + c4t)).


Logical; round the values of p, n/J/K that are from functions od.4 to two decimal places and integer, respectively if TRUE, otherwise no rounding; default value is TRUE.


Required budget (and/or required level-4 sample size), statistical power, or MDES depending on the specification of parameters. The function also returns the function name, design type, and parameters used in the calculation.


# Unconstrained optimal design
  myod1 <- od.4(icc2 = 0.2, icc3 = 0.1, icc4 = 0.05,
              r12 = 0.5, r22 = 0.5, r32 = 0.5, r42 = 0.5,
              c1 = 1, c2 = 5, c3 = 25, c4 = 125,
              c1t = 1, c2t = 50, c3t = 250, c4t = 2500)
  myod1$out # output # n = 7.1, J = 3.2, K = 4.2, p = 0.23

# ------- Power analyses by default considering costs and budget -------
# Required budget and sample size
  mym.1 <- power.4(expr = myod1, d = 0.2, q = 1, power = 0.8)
  mym.1$out  # m = 71161, L = 57.1
  #mym.1$par  # parameters and their values used for the function
# Or, equivalently, specify every argument in the function
  mym.1 <- power.4(d = 0.2, power = 0.8, q = 1,
                 icc2 = 0.2, icc3 = 0.1, icc4 = 0.05,
                 r12 = 0.5, r22 = 0.5, r32 = 0.5, r42 = 0.5,
                 c1 = 1, c2 = 5, c3 = 25, c4 = 125,
                 c1t = 1, c2t = 50, c3t = 250, c4t = 2500,
                 n = 7, J = 3, K = 4, p = 0.23)
# Required budget and sample size with constrained p (p = 0.5)
  mym.2 <- power.4(expr = myod1, d = 0.2, q = 1, power = 0.8,
                 constraint = list(p = 0.5))
  mym.2$out  # m = 93508, L = 41.1
# Required budget and sample size with constrained p and K
  mym.3 <- power.4(expr = myod1, d = 0.2, q = 1, power = 0.8,
                 constraint = list(p = 0.5, K = 20))
  mym.3$out  # m = 157365, L = 25.7

# Power calculation
  mypower <- power.4(expr = myod1, q = 1, d = 0.2, m = 71161)
  mypower$out  # power = 0.80
# Power calculation under constrained p (p = 0.5)
  mypower.1 <- power.4(expr = myod1, q = 1, d = 0.2, m = 71161,
                 constraint = list(p = 0.5))
  mypower.1$out  # power = 0.68

# MDES calculation
  mymdes <- power.4(expr = myod1, q = 1, power = 0.80, m = 71161)
  mymdes$out  # d = 0.20

# ------- Conventional power analyses with cost.model = FALSE-------
# Required sample size
  myL <- power.4(cost.model = FALSE, expr = myod1, d = 0.2, q = 1, power = 0.8)
  myL$out  # L = 57.1
#myL$par  # parameters and their values used for the function
# Or, equivalently, specify every argument in the function
  myL <- power.4(cost.model = FALSE, d = 0.2, power = 0.8, q = 1,
                  icc2 = 0.2, icc3 = 0.1, icc4 = 0.05,
                  r12 = 0.5, r22 = 0.5, r32 = 0.5, r42 = 0.5,
                  n = 7, J = 3, K = 4, p = 0.23)

# Power calculation
  mypower1 <- power.4(cost.model = FALSE, expr = myod1, L = 57, d = 0.2, q = 1)
  mypower1$out  # power = 0.80

# MDES calculation
  mymdes1 <- power.4(cost.model = FALSE, expr = myod1, L = 57, power = 0.8, q = 1)
  mymdes1$out  # d = 0.20

[Package odr version 1.4.4 Index]