Solve ODE for GUTS-RED-SD and GUTS-RED-IT Using Compiled Code

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Documentation for package ‘odeGUTS’ version 1.0.2

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fit_odeGUTS Model calibration results for a GUTS-SD theoretical species exposed to a compound.
predict_Nsurv_check Checking goodness-of-fit method for 'survFitPredict' and 'survFitPredict_Nsurv' objects
predict_Nsurv_check.survFitPredict_Nsurv Checking goodness-of-fit method for 'survFitPredict' and 'survFitPredict_Nsurv' objects
predict_Nsurv_ode Predict method for 'survFit' objects
predict_Nsurv_ode.survFit Predict method for 'survFit' objects
predict_ode Predict method for 'survFit' objects
predict_ode.survFit Predict method for 'survFit' objects