Access Live Sports Odds from the Odds API

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Documentation for package ‘oddsapiR’ version 0.0.3

Help Pages

check_toa_key *Odds API Key Registration*
csv_from_url *Load .csv / .csv.gz file from a remote connection*
has_toa_key *Odds API Key Registration*
progressively *Progressively*
rds_from_url *Load .rds file from a remote connection*
register_toa *Odds API Key Registration*
toa_event_odds *Find odds for the sports which are accessible through the Odds API*
toa_key *Odds API Key Registration*
toa_requests *Find out your usage and remaining calls for your key from The Odds API*
toa_sports *Find sports for which odds are accessible through the Odds API*
toa_sports_keys *Sports for which odds are accessible through the Odds API*
toa_sports_odds *Find odds for the sports which are accessible through the Odds API*
toa_sports_odds_history *Find odds history for the sports which are accessible through the Odds API*
toa_sports_scores *Find scores for the sports which are accessible through the Odds API*