Connect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface)

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Documentation for package ‘odbc’ version 1.4.2

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databricks Helper for Connecting to Databricks via ODBC
DatabricksOdbcDriver-class Helper for Connecting to Databricks via ODBC
dbAppendTable-method Convenience functions for reading/writing DBMS tables
dbConnect Connect to a database via an ODBC driver
dbConnect-method Helper for Connecting to Databricks via ODBC
dbConnect-method Connect to a database via an ODBC driver
DBI-tables Convenience functions for reading/writing DBMS tables
dbListFields-method List remote tables and fields for an ODBC connection
dbListTables-method List remote tables and fields for an ODBC connection
dbWriteTable-method Convenience functions for reading/writing DBMS tables
isTempTable Helper method used to determine if a table identifier is that of a temporary table.
isTempTable-method Helper method used to determine if a table identifier is that of a temporary table.
odbc Connect to a database via an ODBC driver
odbcDataType Return the corresponding ODBC data type for an R object
odbcListColumns List columns in an object.
odbcListConfig List locations of ODBC configuration files
odbcListDataSources List Configured Data Source Names
odbcListDrivers List Configured ODBC Drivers
odbcListObjects List objects in a connection.
odbcListObjectTypes Return the object hierarchy supported by a connection.
odbcPreviewObject Preview the data in an object.
odbcSetTransactionIsolationLevel Set the Transaction Isolation Level for a Connection
quote_value Quote special character when connecting
sqlCreateTable-method Convenience functions for reading/writing DBMS tables