octopucs {octopucs}R Documentation

Support for Hierarchical Clusters


The global function of the "octopucs" package is to estimate support for hierarchical clusters throughout the dendrogram's topology, considering their repeatability, integrity, and contamination based on bootstrapping procedures.


octopucs(data, n=NULL, prop=NULL, resample = TRUE, distance =NULL, 
method=NULL, orientation=NULL, disp = NULL, lab.pos=NULL, 
sep.lab=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, verbose=NULL)



A matrix whose rows (sites/conditions) will be grouped based on the columns (species/elements).


The number of bootstrap repetitions.


Proportion of information used in the bootstrapping procedures. When matrices contain more than 18 columns, it refers to (i) the proportion of columns used in every run to produce a new grouping array when "resample=TRUE" and (ii) the number of cells in the body of the matrix (1–prop; e.g., 1–0.8=0.2) that will be replaced with column averages when "resample=FALSE". When matrices contain less than 18 columns, the procedure with "resample=FALSE" will be forced. In such a scenario, "prop" corresponds to the number of cells in the body of the matrix (1–prop; e.g., 1–0.8=0.2) that will be replaced in the bootstrapping procedures.


When TRUE, "octopucs" will select random subsets of columns in every bootstrap run to produce a new grouping array. When FALSE, "octopucs" will replace cells in the body of the matrix with column averages instead of entire columns (see description for "prop" for further details).


Distance method to be used (default="bray"). Options include those of the function "vegdist" ("vegan"): "manhattan", "euclidean", "canberra", "bray", "kulczynski", "gower", "morisita", "horn", "mountford", "jaccard", "raup", "binomial", "chao", "altGower", "cao" and "mahalanobis", as well as those referred in Koleff et al. (2003), available either by name or number: 1 or "w", 2 or "-1", 3 or "c", 4 or "wb", 5 or "r", 6 or "I", 7 or "e", 8 or "t", 9 or "me", 10 or "j", 11 or "sor", 12 or "m", 13 or "-2", 14 or "co", 15 or "cc", 16 or "g", 17 or "-3", 18 or "1", 19 or "", 20 or "hk", 21 or "rlb", 22 or "sim", 23 or "gl", 24 or "z". For open distance metrics (not restricted to zero-one ranges), the axis is re-scaled to cover a zero-one range. If so, the axis will be labeled a "Similarity (rescaled)"; if no re-scaling is necessary, the label will appear as "Similarity".


Agglomerative procedure for hierarchical clustering, including: "average" (=UPGMA), "ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "mcquitty" (=WPGMA), "median" (=WPGMC) or "centroid" (=UPGMC).


Orientation of the plot (default="r": right; metric in the x-axis is similarity). "l" = left-wise orientation (metric in the x-axis is dissimilarity). "d" = down-wise orientation (metric in the y-axis is dissimilarity).


Result display in the dendrogram (default="sig"; only supported nodes will populated with given results). "all" = all nodes will be populated with support metrics, with significantly supported nodes in blue/red and non-significantly supported nodes in black.


This argument modifies the position of the labels relative to the tips of the dendrogram (sites/conditions).


This argument modifies the position of supporting values from the nodes and lines in the dendrogram.


Limits of the x-axis.


Limits of the y-axis.


TRUE = display all relevant setup values used in the analysis. FALSE = display only the dendrogram with marked significantly grouped clusters.


"octopucs" generates a list object that contains:


hclust output of the generalized clustered dendrogram.


Table with the support value for every group and subgroup across the topology of the generalized clustered dendrogram.


List with the memberships of every group and subgroup in the topology.


Roger Guevara (roger.guevara@inecol.mx) & Ian MacGregor-Fors (ian.macgregor@helsinki.fi)


Koleff, P., Gaston, K.J., Lennon, J. J. 2003. Measuring beta diversity for presence-absence data. Journal of Animal Ecology 71:367. https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1365-2656.2003.00710.x


octopucs(dune, n=100, prop=0.8,
method="average", disp = "sig",

[Package octopucs version 0.1.0 Index]