v {oceanmap} | R Documentation |
Plotting spatial data
Plots spatial data (e.g. 2D oceanographic data). Valid input data are objects of class 'Raster' ('RasterLayer', 'RasterStack' or 'RasterBrick'), 'ncdf4' (already loaded netcdf files) or a character strings indicating 'bathy'
metric data, 'gz'- or '.nc-files' (netcdf).
See also name_split for further information on '.gz'
-file nomenclature.
## S4 method for signature 'bathy'
v(obj, v_area, lon, lat, resolution=4, keep=F,
savename.bathy, folder.bathy=".", adaptive.vals=T, cb.title, show.colorbar=T,...)
## S4 method for signature 'nc'
v(obj, varname, t=1, layer=t, adaptive.vals=T, dates,
cb.xlab=varname, show.colorbar=T ,...)
## S4 method for signature 'ncdf4'
v(obj, varname, t=1, layer=t, adaptive.vals=T, dates,
cb.xlab=varname, show.colorbar=T, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'RasterLayer'
v(obj, varname, t=1, layer=t, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'RasterBrick'
v(obj, varname, t=1, layer=t, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'RasterStack'
v(obj, varname, t=1, layer=t, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'gz'
v(obj, v_area, adaptive.vals=F, show.colorbar=T,...)
obj |
object of class 'Raster' ('RasterLayer', 'RasterStack' or 'RasterBrick'), ' |
v_area |
character string identifying the region that should be plotted, or in case of |
adaptive.vals |
sets minimum and maximum z-value according to the |
t , layer |
layer/time stemp to select in multi-layer files/objects (e.g. ncdf4, RasterStack). |
dates |
vector of type 'character' indicating dates per layer, used to define the title of the colorbar. Argument is omitted for |
varname |
character string indicating the name of the variable to plot. For |
cb.title |
character string indicating the title of the colorbar (default is set to date information/empty string if date information is missing.) |
cb.xlab |
character string indicating the x-axis label of the colorbar and |
lon |
Vector returning longitude coordinates of the area to be plotted, only valable for |
lat |
Vector returning latitude coordinates of the area to be plotted, only valable for |
resolution |
resolution of the bathymetric grid, in minutes (default is 4), only valable for |
keep |
whether to write the data downloaded from NOAA into a file (default is FALSE), only valable for |
savename.bathy |
savename for the bathymetric data file, if not specified set to type 'bathy_lon-lat_res.resolution.dat' or 'bathy_v_area_res.resolution.dat', only valable for |
folder.bathy |
directory where bathymetric data should be saved (default is current working directory), only valable for |
show.colorbar |
weather a colorbar should be plotted for image plots(default is |
... |
additional arguments to be passed:
uses the maps
and maptools
functions to plot the landmask. See clim_plot
for aligned plots of satallite-data climatologies.
Robert K. Bauer
Bauer, R. K., Stepputtis, D., Grawe, U., Zimmermann, C., and Hammer, C. 2013. Wind-induced variability in coastal larval retention areas: a case study on Western Baltic spring-spawning herring. Fisheries Oceanography, 22: 388-399.
See Also
clim_plot, readbin, name_split, regions, plotmap, v
################## simple example section:
## Example 1: load & plot a sample Raster-object
path <- system.file("test_files", package="oceanmap")
dat <- raster::crop(dat,extent(c(0,10,40,44))) ## crop data, xlim/ylim not yet implemented in v()
v(dat, main="Raster-object", cbpos='r')
## Example 2: load & plot sample netcdf-file ('.nc'-file)
nfiles <- Sys.glob(paste0(path,'/*.nc')) # load list of sample-'.nc'-files
### option a) load netcdf-file with ncdf4-package and plot it
ncdf <- nc_open(nfiles[1])
# print(ncdf)
# v(obj = ncdf, cbpos="r")
### option b) load and plot netcdf-file as RasterStack object
# nc <- nc2raster(nfiles[1])
# v(nc,cbpos="r") # plot RasterStack object
### option c) plot netcdf-file directly
# v(nfiles[1], cbpos="r")
# v(nfiles[1], cbpos="r", replace.na=TRUE)
###### plot multiple layers:
# par(mfrow=c(2,2))
# v(nfiles[1], t=1:4, cbpos="r", replace.na=TRUE, subplot = TRUE)
# ## Example 2: load & plot bathymetry data from the NOAA-ETOPO1 database
# par(mfrow=c(2,1))
# bathy <- get.bathy("medw4", terrain=T, res=3, keep=T, visualize=T, subplot = TRUE, grid=F)
# # load('bathy_medw4_res.3.dat',verbose = T); bathy <- h
# v(bathy, param="bathy", subplot = TRUE, terrain=F, levels=c(200,2000)) # show contours
# ## b) only contour lines:
# par(mfrow=c(1,2))
# h <- get.bathy("lion",terrain=F,res=3, visualize=T,
# v_image = FALSE, levels=c(200,2000))
# ## use v-function for same plot but on subregion:
# v(h,v_area = "survey", param="bathy",
# v_image = FALSE, levels=c(200,2000))
## Example 3: plot sample-'.gz'-file
gz.files <- Sys.glob(paste0(path,'/*.gz'))
# v(gz.files[2]) ## plot content of gz-file
## Example 4: load sample-'.gz'-file manually as Raster-object and plot it
obj <- readbin(gz.files[2],area='lion')
# par(mfrow=c(1,2))
# v(obj,param="sst",subplot = TRUE)
# v(obj,param="Temp",subplot = TRUE) ## note unset "pal" (colormap) for unkown "param"-values!
## Example 5: available color maps
data('cmap') # load color maps data
names(cmap) # list available color maps
gz.files <- Sys.glob(paste0(path,'/*.gz'))
# figure(width=15,height=15)
# par(mfrow=c(4,5))
# for(n in names(cmap)) v(gz.files[2], v_area='lion', subplot=TRUE,
# pal=n, adaptive.vals=TRUE, main=n)
## define new color maps from blue to red to white:
n <- colorRampPalette(c('blue','red','white'))(100)
# v(gz.files[2], v_area='lion', subplot=TRUE,
# pal=n, adaptive.vals=TRUE, main="own colormap")
## Example 6: available parameters
# ?parameter_definitions
# figure(width=12, height=6.2)
# par(mfrow=c(2,3))
# v('*sst2*707*',v_area="medw4",main="sst", folder=path, subplot=TRUE)
# v('*chla*531*',v_area="medw4",main="chla", folder=path, subplot=TRUE)
# v('*chlagrad*',v_area="medw4",main="chlagrad",folder=path, subplot=TRUE)
# v('*p100*',v_area="medw4",main="p100 (oceanic fronts)",folder=path, subplot=TRUE)
# v('*sla*',v_area="medw4",main="sla",folder=path, subplot=TRUE)
# h <- get.bathy("medw4",visualize=TRUE,terrain=F,res=4, subplot=TRUE,main="bathy")
################## advanced example section:
## Example I: plot bathymetry using a v_area-keyword
## requires server connection!
# par(mfrow=c(2,1))
# v("bathy","lion",res=4, keep=TRUE,border='grey',
# main='Gulf of Lions bathymetry',cb.title="resolution 4 min")
# v("bathy","lion",res=1, keep=TRUE,border='grey',
# cb.title="resolution 1 min") # can take some time depending on server connection!
## Example II: plot bathymetry of the Baltic Sea defined by longitude and latidtue coordinates
## requires server connection!
lon <- c(9, 31)
lat <- c(53.5, 66)
#v("bathy",lon=lon,lat=lat,main="Baltic Sea")
## Example III: plot landmask of the Baltic Sea defined by an extent- or raster-object
## requires server connection!
ext <- extent(lon,lat)
# v("bathy",ext,main="Baltic Sea",res=4,levels=200) # extent-object
## Example IV: plot '.gz'-files, following default plot-procedure
check_gzfiles(folder=path) # return file summary-table
gz.files <- Sys.glob(paste0(path,'/*.gz')) # load sample-'.gz'-files
# v(gz.files[1:4])
# v(gz.files[4],bwd=2)
## Example V: plot climatologies from '.gz'-files
## (ATTENTION: not working for non-'gz'-files, requiring ImageMagick)
# clim_plot('*1s*.gz' ,folder = path,bwd=0.7,adaptive.vals=TRUE,plotname="seasonal_climatology.png")
## Example VI: plot subregion of gz-files as subplots
# graphics.off()
# par(mfrow=c(2,1))
# v(gz.files[1:2],v_area='lion') # run ?region_definitions to see predefined regions
## Example VII: plot subregion of raster file
# all manual:
obj <- readbin(gz.files[2],area='lion')
ticks <- seq(20,30,5)
plotmap('lion',add=TRUE) # add landmask
# set.colorbar(ticks=ticks,cb.title='cb.title',cb.xlab='cb.xlab')
## using v, reconstructing region information
# obj <- readbin(gz.files[2],area='lion')
# v(obj,varname="sst2",cb.title='cb.title',cb.xlab='cb.xlab')
# using v for another subregion
ncorse <- crop(obj,extent(6,9,40,42))
# v(ncorse,grid.res=1)
# v(ncorse,zlim=c(20,30),cbx=c(8.3,8.9),cby=c(40.7,40.8)) # skipping colorbar widget
## Example VIII: Add region by supplying raster-object, colorbar positions and running the widget
## Example IX: plot netcdf-files ('.nc'-files)
nfiles <- Sys.glob(paste0(path,'/*.nc')) # load sample-'.nc'-files
## plot herring larval dispersal from Bauer et al. (2013)
# par(mfrow=c(2,2))
# v(nfiles[1], subplot=TRUE, t=1:4,minv=0, maxv=1000, adaptive.vals=FALSE, replace.na=TRUE)
# par(new=TRUE,mfrow=c(1,1))
# empty.plot(main='herring larval dispersal in the Greifswald lagoon, Germany')
# mtext('see Bauer et al. (2013) as reference')
# plot bathymetric data (obtained from the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende)
# v(nfiles[2],varname='bathymetry') # following default plot-procedure
# v(nfiles[2],varname='bathymetry',pal='haxbyrev',Log=TRUE, cb.xlab='depth [log m]',levels=50)