plotmap {oceanmap} | R Documentation |
plots landmask of a defined region
plots the landmask of a region defined by a region
-key word, georgraphical coordinates (lon
gitude and lat
itude), a raster- or extent-object. See add.region to add and save new region definitions. Attention! Unlike add.region, plotmap
does not include colorbar placement (see: set.colorbar)
plotmap(region=v_area, lon, lat, add=F, asp,
grid=T, grid.res, resolution=0,
main, axes=T, axeslabels=axes, ticklabels=T, cex.lab=0.8, cex.ticks=0.8,,"grey",, border='black', bwd=2, las=1,
v_area, xlim, ylim
ggplotmap(region=v_area, lon=xlim, lat=ylim, add_to, asp,
grid=T, grid.res, resolution=0,
main, axes=T, axeslabels=axes, ticklabels=T,,"grey",, border='black',
col.scale = "black", bwd=1.5, v_area, xlim, ylim)
region , v_area |
Character string identifying regions predefined by the region_definitions-dataset, Raster* or Extent object (corresponds to |
lon , xlim |
Vector returning longitude coordinates of the area to be plotted. |
lat , ylim |
Vector returning latitude coordinates of the area to be plotted. |
add , add_to |
whether the a the landmask should be added to an existent figure (default is |
asp |
numeric, giving the aspect y/x-ratio of the y- and x-axes. See plot.window for more details. |
main |
title to be plotted |
axes , axeslabels |
whether axes and axes-labels (longitude and latitude) should be plotted (default is |
ticklabels |
whether tick-labels should be added to the axes (default is |
cex.lab |
font size of axis labels |
cex.ticks |
font size of tick labels |
grid |
whether a grid should be plotted (default is |
grid.res |
resolution of the grid, in degrees (default is is derived from the region extent) |
resolution |
number that specifies the resolution with which to draw the map. Resolution 0 is the full resolution of the database [default]. Otherwise, just before polylines are plotted they are thinned: roughly speaking, successive points on the polyline that are within resolution device pixels of one another are collapsed to a single point (see the Reference for further details). Thinning is not performed if plot = FALSE or when polygons are drawn (fill = TRUE or database is a list of polygons). |
bwd |
width is of the axes bars (default is 1) | |
whether the a the landmask should be filled by a color (default is | |
fill color of the landmask to be plotted (default is grey) | |
background color (ocean) to be plotted (default is NA) |
border |
country border color of the landmask to be plotted (default is black) |
col.scale |
color of the map scale to be plotted around the map (default is black) |
las |
numeric in {0,1,2,3}; the style of axis labels
uses the maps
and maptools
functions to plot the landmask.
Robert K. Bauer
See Also
#### Example 1: plot landmask of the Mediterranean Sea
## a) by using longitude and latitude coordinates:
lon <- c(-6, 37)
lat <- c(30, 46)
plotmap(lon=lon, lat=lat, main="Mediterranean Sea")
plotmap(xlim=lon, ylim=lat, main="Mediterranean Sea")
ggobj <- ggplotmap(xlim=lon, ylim=lat)
## b) plot landmask of the Mediterranean Sea by using an extent-object:
# library('raster')
# ext <- extent(lon, lat)
# plotmap(ext, main="Mediterranean Sea") # extent-object
# ggplotmap(ext)
## c) plot landmask of the Mediterranean Sea by using a raster-object:
# r <- raster(ext)
# plotmap(r, main="Mediterranean Sea") # raster-object
# ggplotmap(r)
## d) plot landmask of the Mediterranean Sea by using a region label:
# plotmap('med4', main="Mediterranean Sea") # region-label
# regions() ## check preinstalled region label
## e) add landmask to an existing plot:
# plot(3.7008, 43.4079, xlim=lon, ylim=lat)
# plotmap(add=T)
# points(3.7008, 43.4079, pch=19)
# ggplotmap(xlim=lon, ylim=lat)
# library(ggplot2)
# ggobj <- ggplotmap("lion") +
# geom_point(data=data.frame(x=3.7008, y=43.4079),aes(x,y),size=5,colour="blue")
# ggobj
## ggplotmaply(ggobj)
## f <- ggplotmaply(ggobj)
## pos <-, 4.91, 5.67, 5.91, 6.31, 6.37,
## 5.66, 5.54, 5.51, 5.67, 5.89, 5.97),
## y=c(42.89, 42.27, 42.42, 42.33, 42.1, 41.92,
## 41.74, 41.45, 41.32, 41.21, 41.04, 40.96)
## ))
## library(dplyr)
## library(plotly)
## f %>% add_trace(data = pos,x = ~x, y= ~y,type='scatter',mode='marker',name="new pos")
#### Example 2: subplots and some additional arguments of plotmap()
# par(mfrow=c(2, 1))
# plotmap('medw4', main="Western Mediterranean Sea","darkblue")
# plotmap('medw4', main="Western Mediterranean Sea", bwd=3, border='grey', grid=FALSE)
#### Example 3: plotmap() and figure()
# <- FALSE ## open a plotting window
# figure("Gulf_of_Lions_extended",, width=5, height=5, type="pdf")
# plotmap("lion",'darkblue',grid=FALSE)
# close_fig(
## now resize figure manually and get new figure dimensions:
# width <- dev.size()[1]
# height <- dev.size()[2]
# <- TRUE ## do NOT open a plotting window, but save figure internally
# figure("Gulf_of_Lions_extended",, width=width, height=height, type="pdf")
# plotmap("lion",'darkblue',grid=FALSE)
# close_fig(
#### Example 4: between hemispheres
# par(mfrow=c(2,1))
# plotmap(lon=c(-180, 180), lat=c(-80, 80), main="map from West to East")
# plotmap(lon=c(0, 360), lat=c(-80, 80), main="map from West to East")
# plotmap(lon=c(-360, 00), lat=c(-80, 80), main="map from West to East") # same as before
#### Example 5: plot bathymetry and topography of the western Mediterranean Sea
#get.bathy("medw4",visualize=T,terrain=F,res=3,levels=c(200,2000)) # show contours
#get.bathy("lion",visualize=T,terrain=F,res=3,levels=c(200,2000),v_image=F) # show only contours
#### Example 6: testing some additional arguments
# lon <- c(-180,200); lat <- c(-80,90);
# ext <- extent(lon, lat)
# plotmap(ext, border=NA, bwd=NA, grid=FALSE, = "#9ac0cd",axes=FALSE)