oceanis-package | Package : oceanis |
add_legende_ | Add a legend on a 'leaflet' map |
add_legende_classes | Add a legend on a 'leaflet' map |
add_legende_fonds_simples | Add a legend on a 'leaflet' map |
add_legende_joignantes | Add a legend on a 'leaflet' map |
add_legende_ronds | Add a legend on a 'leaflet' map |
add_legende_saphirs | Add a legend on a 'leaflet' map |
add_legende_typo | Add a legend on a 'leaflet' map |
add_legende_typo_symboles | Add a legend on a 'leaflet' map |
add_source | Add a source on a 'leaflet' map |
add_titre | Add a title on a 'leaflet' map |
add_typo_symboles | Add symbols on a 'leaflet' map |
affiche_palette | Returns a palette colors of the graphic chart of INSEE |
calculette | Calculating a class variable |
calcul_ | Calculating a class variable |
calcul_part_ens | Calculating a class variable |
calcul_ratio | Calculating a class variable |
calcul_tx_evol_ann_moy | Calculating a class variable |
calcul_tx_evol_global | Calculating a class variable |
com_dep_13_30_83_84 | Examples of data |
coordonnees_etiquettes | Data table of labels |
coord_legende | Returns the lon / lat coordinates of a 'leaflet' map's legend |
depm | Examples of data |
distrib_variable | Histogram of the distribution of the class variable |
donnees | Examples of data |
donnees_a_facon | Examples of data |
donnees_biloc | Examples of data |
donnees_biloc_saphirs | Examples of data |
donnees_monoloc | Examples of data |
export_ | Export a 'leaflet' map in image format |
export_jpeg | Export a 'leaflet' map in image format |
export_pdf | Export a 'leaflet' map in image format |
export_png | Export a 'leaflet' map in image format |
export_qgis_ | Export a 'leaflet' map to Qgis project |
export_qgis_classes | Export a 'leaflet' map to Qgis project |
export_qgis_classes_ronds | Export a 'leaflet' map to Qgis project |
export_qgis_joignantes | Export a 'leaflet' map to Qgis project |
export_qgis_oursins | Export a 'leaflet' map to Qgis project |
export_qgis_ronds | Export a 'leaflet' map to Qgis project |
export_qgis_ronds_classes | Export a 'leaflet' map to Qgis project |
export_qgis_saphirs | Export a 'leaflet' map to Qgis project |
export_qgis_typo | Export a 'leaflet' map to Qgis project |
fram | Examples of data |
largeur_fleche | Width of the arrow for 'leaflet' maps |
leaflet_ | Creation 'leaflet' maps |
leaflet_classes | Creation 'leaflet' maps |
leaflet_classes_ronds | Creation 'leaflet' maps |
leaflet_fonds_simples | Creation 'leaflet' maps |
leaflet_joignantes | Creation 'leaflet' maps |
leaflet_oursins | Creation 'leaflet' maps |
leaflet_ronds | Creation 'leaflet' maps |
leaflet_ronds_classes | Creation 'leaflet' maps |
leaflet_saphirs | Creation 'leaflet' maps |
leaflet_typo | Creation 'leaflet' maps |
palettes_insee | Examples of data |
plot_ | Creation maps in plot |
plot_classes | Creation maps in plot |
plot_classes_ronds | Creation maps in plot |
plot_joignantes | Creation maps in plot |
plot_oursins | Creation maps in plot |
plot_ronds | Creation maps in plot |
plot_ronds_classes | Creation maps in plot |
plot_saphirs | Creation maps in plot |
plot_typo | Creation maps in plot |
plot_typo_symboles | Creation maps in plot |
rapport_ronds | Ratio between radius and value for 'leaflet' maps |
rayon_ronds | Radius of the largest circle for 'leaflet' maps |
recup_palette | Returns a palette of the graphic chart of INSEE |
regm | Examples of data |
set_bordure_ronds | Modify the circles' borders of 'leaflet' map's analysis |
set_couleur_ | Modify the colors of 'leaflet' map's analysis |
set_couleur_classes | Modify the colors of 'leaflet' map's analysis |
set_couleur_joignantes | Modify the colors of 'leaflet' map's analysis |
set_couleur_ronds | Modify the colors of 'leaflet' map's analysis |
set_couleur_saphirs | Modify the colors of 'leaflet' map's analysis |
set_couleur_typo | Modify the colors of 'leaflet' map's analysis |
set_fonds_simples | Modify the style of 'leaflet' map's. |
set_opacite_elargi | Modify the opacity of the expanded representation of a 'leaflet' map |
set_pop_up | Modify the pop_up of 'leaflet' map's analysis |
set_style_oursins | Modify the style of 'leaflet' map's urchins |
shiny_ | Creation 'leaflet' maps in a 'shiny' web environment |
shiny_classes | Creation 'leaflet' maps in a 'shiny' web environment |
shiny_classes_ronds | Creation 'leaflet' maps in a 'shiny' web environment |
shiny_joignantes | Creation 'leaflet' maps in a 'shiny' web environment |
shiny_oursins | Creation 'leaflet' maps in a 'shiny' web environment |
shiny_ronds | Creation 'leaflet' maps in a 'shiny' web environment |
shiny_ronds_classes | Creation 'leaflet' maps in a 'shiny' web environment |
shiny_saphirs | Creation 'leaflet' maps in a 'shiny' web environment |
shiny_typo | Creation 'leaflet' maps in a 'shiny' web environment |
zonage_a_facon | Creating a custom zoning |