swZ {oce}R Documentation

Vertical Coordinate


Compute height above the surface. This is the negative of depth, and so is defined simply in terms of swDepth().


swZ(pressure, latitude = 45, eos = getOption("oceEOS", default = "gsw"))



either pressure (dbar), in which case lat must also be given, or a ctd object, in which case lat will be inferred from the object.


Latitude in ^\circN.


indication of formulation to be used, either "unesco" or "gsw".

See Also

Other functions that calculate seawater properties: T68fromT90(), T90fromT48(), T90fromT68(), computableWaterProperties(), locationForGsw(), swAbsoluteSalinity(), swAlphaOverBeta(), swAlpha(), swBeta(), swCSTp(), swConservativeTemperature(), swDepth(), swDynamicHeight(), swLapseRate(), swN2(), swPressure(), swRho(), swRrho(), swSCTp(), swSR(), swSTrho(), swSigma0(), swSigma1(), swSigma2(), swSigma3(), swSigma4(), swSigmaTheta(), swSigmaT(), swSigma(), swSoundAbsorption(), swSoundSpeed(), swSpecificHeat(), swSpice(), swSstar(), swTFreeze(), swTSrho(), swThermalConductivity(), swTheta(), swViscosity()

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