oceDebug {oce}R Documentation

Print a Debugging Message


Print an indented debugging message. Many oce functions decrease the debug level by 1 when they call other functions, so the effect is a nesting, with more space for deeper function level.


oceDebug(debug = 0, ..., style = "plain", unindent = 0, sep = "")



an integer, less than or equal to zero for no message, and greater than zero for increasing levels of debugging. Values greater than 4 are treated like 4.


items to be supplied to cat(), which does the printing. Note that no newline will be printed unless ... contains a string with a newline character (as in the example).


either a string or a function. If a string, it must be "plain" (the default) for plain text, "bold", "italic", "red", "green" or "blue" (with obvious meanings). Note that none of these has any effect for non-interactive use, because doing so would make it difficult to work with R-markdown and similar documents that are to be run through latex.

If style is a function, it must prepend and postpend the text with control codes, as in the cyan-coloured example; note that crayon provides many functions that work well for style.


integer giving the number of levels to un-indent, e.g. for start and end lines from a called function.


character to insert between elements of ..., by passing it to cat().


Dan Kelley


oceDebug(debug = 1, "Example", 1, "Plain text")
oceDebug(debug = 1, "Example", 2, "Bold", style = "bold")
oceDebug(debug = 1, "Example", 3, "Italic", style = "italic")
oceDebug(debug = 1, "Example", 4, "Red", style = "red")
oceDebug(debug = 1, "Example", 5, "Green", style = "green")
oceDebug(debug = 1, "Example", 6, "Blue", style = "blue")
mycyan <- function(...) paste("\033[36m", paste(..., sep = " "), "\033[0m", sep = "")
oceDebug(debug = 1, "Example", 7, "User-set cyan", style = mycyan)

[Package oce version 1.8-2 Index]