binAverage {oce}R Documentation

Bin-average a Vector y, Based on x Values


binAverage() works by calling binMean1D(), after computing the xbreaks parameter of the latter function as seq(xmin,xmax,xinc). Note that the return value of binAverage() uses only the xmids and result entries of the binMean1D() result.


binAverage(x, y, xmin, xmax, xinc, include.lowest = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE)



a vector of numerical values.


a vector of numerical values.


x value at the lower limit of first bin; the minimum x will be used if this is not provided.


x value at the upper limit of last bin; the maximum x will be used if this is not provided.


width of bins, in terms of x value; 1/10th of xmax-xmin will be used if this is not provided.


logical value indicating whether to include y values for which the corresponding x is equal to xmin. See “Details”.


logical value indicating whether to remove NA values before doing the computation of the average. This is passed to mean(), which does the work of the present function.


By default, the sub-intervals defined by xmin, xinc and xmax arguments are open on the left and closed on the right, to match the behaviour of cut(). An open interval does not include points on the boundary, and so any x values that exactly match the first breaks value will not be counted. To include such points in the calculation, set include.lowest to TRUE.


A list with two elements: x, the mid-points of the bins, and y, the average y value in the bins.


Dan Kelley

See Also

Other bin-related functions: binApply1D(), binApply2D(), binCount1D(), binCount2D(), binMean1D(), binMean2D()


# A. fake linear data
x <- seq(0, 100, 1)
y <- 1 + 2 * x
plot(x, y, pch = 1)
ba <- binAverage(x, y)
points(ba$x, ba$y, pch = 3, col = "red", cex = 3)

# B. fake quadratic data
y <- 1 + x^2
plot(x, y, pch = 1)
ba <- binAverage(x, y)
points(ba$x, ba$y, pch = 3, col = "red", cex = 3)

# C. natural data
avg <- binAverage(time(co2), co2, 1950, 2000, 2)
points(avg$x, avg$y, col = "red")

[Package oce version 1.8-2 Index]