driving_offences {nzpullover} | R Documentation |
Driving offences in New Zealand
A dataset containing driving offences, fines, and vehicle observations by cameras, in New Zealand between 2009 and 2017.
A data frame with 43878 rows and 6 variables:
- category
Type of offence, fine or observation
- value
Number of offences, value of fines in New Zealand dollars, or number of observations
- series
Subcategory of offence, fine or observation
- district
Police district
- area
Police area (subdivision of district)
- month
Month of the event
The categories of offence are Red Light, Restraints, Alcohol & Drugs, Mobile phone, Camera-issued Speed, Officer-issued Speed, and Vehicles past cameras.
- Red Light
Red light running offences at intersections for both vehicles and pedestrians (separated by officer issued and red light camera)
- Restraints
All restraint use offences (seatbelt and child restraint), excludes restraint equipment offences
- Alcohol & Drugs
Offences relating to driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs (including under 20 year old alcohol infringements) - Alcohol and drug combined offence types are excluded.
- Mobile phone
Offences for using a hand held device for calling or texting while driving
- Camera-issued Speed
Offences for exceeding the speed limit detected by speed cameras.
- Officer-issued Speed
Offences for exceeding the speed limit detected by Police officers
- Vehicles past cameras
The number of radar vehicle detections (whether exceeding the speed limit or otherwise) recorded by deployed speed cameras.
General notes and caveats by the New Zealand Police:
This data contains provisional data which is drawn from a dynamic operational database. This is subject to change as new information is recorded or recoded.
During entry, a small number of infringements were coded to an incorrect Police Area (e.g., there are a small number of red light offences showing in Wairarapa Area where there are no traffic lights).
The data does not include cancelled infringements and proceedings, but does include minor infringements cleared as Written Traffic Warnings (WTWs) since the adoption of Police's Written Traffic Warning Policy in 2014. As WTWs do not have a fee these are not included in monetary value tables.
Legislation for the mobile phone, youth zero alcohol driving and lowered adult alcohol driving limit infringement types were introduced in November 2009, August 2011 and December 2014, respectively. These infringement types do not show in the data prior to these months.
Alcohol- and drug-specific infringements and proceedings do not include impaired driving offences in which the substance type is not explicitly identified in the offence description. Presently, no drug offences are processed as an infringement notice, so there is no drug-specific monetary fee table.
Infringement data resulting from the lowered Adult alcohol impairment limit introduced on 1 December 2014 (250mcg/litre breath and 50mg/100ml blood) are included in the 'Alcohol Specific' tables, and are also broken out into separate tables for convenience.
Most speed cameras employ radar technology to detect speeding vehicles. The process of issuing a speed camera notice involves verification of the resulting vehicle photo to validate the detection. When counting all vehicles passing speed cameras (i.e., all moving vehicles complying with the speed limit and otherwise), a small number of detections may involve other causes. These cannot be reliably excluded from the total number of detected vehicles as Police record speed camera notice details separately from raw vehicle counts. The total number of vehicles detected by speed cameras on deployment may therefore include a small number of false radar detections. Note also that this data starts from August 2009 as there were some technical issues affecting the roll-out of digital mobile cameras primarily between January and July 2009.
See Also
, fleeing_area
, police_speeding