nzilbb.labbcat {nzilbb.labbcat}R Documentation

Accessing Data Stored in 'LaBB-CAT' Instances


'LaBB-CAT' is a web-based language corpus management system developed by the New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour (NZILBB) - see <>. This package defines functions for accessing corpus data in a 'LaBB-CAT' instance. You must have at least version 20230224.1731 of 'LaBB-CAT' to use this package. For more information about 'LaBB-CAT', see Robert Fromont and Jennifer Hay (2008) <doi:10.3366/E1749503208000142> or Robert Fromont (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.csl.2017.01.004>.


Package: nzilbb.labbcat
Version: 1.3-0
Date: 2023-07-19
Title: Accessing Data Stored in 'LaBB-CAT' Instances
Authors@R: c(person("Robert", "Fromont", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5271-5487")))
Imports: jsonlite, httr, stringr, utils, rstudioapi
Description: 'LaBB-CAT' is a web-based language corpus management system developed by the New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour (NZILBB) - see <>. This package defines functions for accessing corpus data in a 'LaBB-CAT' instance. You must have at least version 20230224.1731 of 'LaBB-CAT' to use this package. For more information about 'LaBB-CAT', see Robert Fromont and Jennifer Hay (2008) <doi:10.3366/E1749503208000142> or Robert Fromont (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.csl.2017.01.004>.
License: GPL (>= 3)
Copyright: New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour, University of Canterbury
RoxygenNote: 7.2.3
Suggests: testthat (>= 2.1.0)
Author: Robert Fromont [aut, cre] (<>)
Maintainer: Robert Fromont <>

Index of help topics:

addDictionaryEntry      Adds an entry to a dictionary.
                        Adds an entry to a layer dictionary.
annotatorExt            Retrieve annotator's "ext" resource.
countAnnotations        Gets the number of annotations on the given
                        layer of the given transcript.
                        Gets the number of annotations matching a
                        particular pattern.
deleteLayer             Deletes an existing layer.
deleteLexicon           Delete a previously loaded lexicon.
deleteParticipant       Deletes a participant record.
deleteTranscript        Delete a transcript from the corpus.
                        Generates a query expression for matching a
                        transcript/participant attribute, for use with
                        Generates a query expression for matching a
                        transcript/participant attribute, for use with
expressionFromIds       Generates a query expression for matching
                        transcripts or participants by ID, for use with
                        Generates a transcript query expression for
                        matching transcripts by type, for use with
                        getMatches or getMatchingTranscriptIds.
formatTranscript        Gets transcript(s) in a given format.
generateLayer           Generates a layer.
                        Generates a layer for a given set of
getAllUtterances        Get all utterances of participants.
getAnchors              Gets the given anchors in the given transcript.
getAnnotations          Gets the annotations on the given layer of the
                        given transcript.
                        Gets annotator information.
getAvailableMedia       List the media available for the given
getCorpusIds            Gets a list of corpus IDs.
                        Lists the descriptors of all registered
getDictionaries         List the dictionaries available.
getDictionaryEntries    Lookup entries in a dictionary.
                        Gets annotations in fragments.
getFragments            Gets transcript fragments in a given format.
getGraphIds             Deprecated synonym for getTranscriptIds.
getGraphIdsInCorpus     Deprecated synonym for
                        Deprecated synonym for
getId                   Gets the store's ID.
getLayer                Gets a layer definition.
getLayerIds             Gets a list of layer IDs.
getLayers               Gets a list of layer definitions.
getMatchAlignments      Gets temporal alignments of matches on a given
getMatchLabels          Gets labels of annotations on a given layer,
                        identified by given match IDs.
getMatches              Search for tokens.
                        Gets a list of annotations that match a
                        particular pattern.
getMatchingGraphIds     Deprecated synonym for
                        Gets a list of IDs of participants that match a
                        particular pattern.
                        Gets a list of IDs of transcripts that match a
                        particular pattern.
getMedia                Downloads a given media track for a given
getMediaTracks          List the predefined media tracks available for
getMediaUrl             Gets the URL of the given media track for a
                        given transcript.
getParticipant          Gets information about a single participant.
                        Gets participant attribute values for given
                        participant IDs.
getParticipantIds       Gets a list of participant IDs.
                        Lists the descriptors of all registered
getSoundFragments       Gets sound fragments from 'LaBB-CAT'.
getSystemAttribute      Gets the value of the given system attribute.
                        Gets transcript attribute values for given
                        transcript IDs.
getTranscriptIds        Gets a list of transcript IDs.
                        Gets a list of transcript in a corpus.
                        Gets a list of IDs of transcripts that include
                        the given participant.
getUserInfo             Gets information about the current user.
labbcatCredentials      Sets the username and password that the package
                        should use for connecting to a given LaBB-CAT
                        server in future function calls.
labbcatTimeout          Sets the timeout for request to the LaBB-CAT
                        server in future function calls. The default
                        timeout is 10 seconds.
labbcatVersionInfo      Gets version information of all components of
loadLexicon             Upload a flat lexicon file for lexical tagging.
newLayer                Creates a new layer.
newTranscript           Upload a new transcript.
nzilbb.labbcat          Accessing Data Stored in 'LaBB-CAT' Instances
                        Generates a script for extracting the CoG, for
                        use with processWithPraat.
praatScriptFastTrack    Generates a script for extracting formants
                        using FastTrack, for use with processWithPraat.
praatScriptFormants     Generates a script for extracting formants, for
                        use with processWithPraat.
praatScriptIntensity    Generates a script for extracting maximum
                        intensity, for use with processWithPraat.
praatScriptPitch        Generates a script for extracting pitch, for
                        use with processWithPraat.
processWithPraat        Process a set of intervals with Praat.
removeDictionaryEntry   Removes an entry from a dictionary.
                        Removes an entry from a layer dictionary.
renameParticipants      Renames a list of participants.
saveLayer               Saves the details of an existing layer.
saveParticipant         Saves information about a single participant.
updateFragment          Update a transcript fragment.
updateTranscript        Update an existing transcript.

'LaBB-CAT' is a web-based language corpus management system and this package provides access to data stored in a 'LaBB-CAT' instance. You must have at least version 20230224.1731 'LaBB-CAT' to use this package.




Robert Fromont and Jennifer Hay, "ONZE Miner: the development of a browser-based research tool", 2008 Robert Fromont, "Toward a format-neutral annotation store", 2017


## Not run: 
## define the LaBB-CAT URL
labbcat.url <- ""

## Perform a search
results <- getMatches(labbcat.url, list(segment="I"))

## Get the phonemic transcriptions for the matches
phonemes <- getMatchLabels(labbcat.url, results$MatchId, "phonemes")

## Get sound fragments for the matches
wav.files <- getSoundFragments(labbcat.url, results$Transcript, results$Line, results$LineEnd)

## End(Not run)

[Package nzilbb.labbcat version 1.3-0 Index]