getMatchingParticipantIds {nzilbb.labbcat} | R Documentation |
Gets a list of IDs of participants that match a particular pattern.
Gets a list of IDs of participants that match a particular pattern.
page.length = NULL,
page.number = NULL
labbcat.url |
URL to the LaBB-CAT instance |
expression |
An expression that determines which participants match |
page.length |
The maximum number of IDs to return, or null to return all |
page.number |
The zero-based page number to return, or null to return the first page |
The results can be exhaustive, by omitting page.length and page.number, or they can be a subset (a 'page') of results, by given page.length and page.number values.
The expression language is currently not well defined, but is based on JavaScript syntax.
The labels function can be used to represent a list of all the annotation labels on a given layer. For example, each participant can have multiple corpora, so the corpus labels (names) are represented by: labels('corpus')
Use the includes function on a list to test whether the list contains a given element. e.g. to match participants that include the corpus 'QB' use: labels('corpus').includes('QB')
Use the first function to identify the first (or the only) annotation on a given layer. e.g. the annotation representing the participant's gender is: first('participant_gender')
Single annotations have various attributes, including 'id', 'label', 'ordinal', etc. e.g. the label of the participant's gender is: first('participant_gender').label
Regular expressions can be matched by using expressions like '/regex/.test(str)', e.g. to test if the ID starts with 'BR' use: /^BR.+/.test(id) or to test if the participant's gender includes 'binary' use: /.*binary.*/.test(first('participant_gender').label)
Expressions such as those in the examples can be used.
A list of paricipant IDs
## Not run:
## define the LaBB-CAT URL
labbcat.url <- ""
## Get all participants whose IDs start with "BR"
participants <- getMatchingParticipantIds(labbcat.url, "/^BR.+/.test(id)")
## Get the first twenty transcripts in the "QB" corpus
participants <- getMatchingParticipantIds(
labbcat.url, "labels('corpus').includes('QB')", 20, 0)
## Get all participants in the "QB" corpus that have "Jacqui" as part of the ID
participants <- getMatchingTranscriptParticipantIds(
labbcat.url, "labels('corpus').includes('QB') && /^BR.+/.test(id)")
## End(Not run)