Neutrosophic Exponential {ntsDists}R Documentation

Neutrosophic Exponential Distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random generation for the neutrosophic exponential distribution with the parameter rate = \theta_N.


dnsExp(x, rate)

pnsExp(q, rate, lower.tail = TRUE)

qnsExp(p, rate)

rnsExp(n, rate)



a vector or matrix of observations for which the pdf needs to be computed.


the shape parameter, which must be a positive interval.


a vector or matrix of quantiles for which the cdf needs to be computed.


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P(X \leq x); otherwise, P(X >x).


a vector or matrix of probabilities for which the quantile needs to be computed.


number of random values to be generated.


The neutrosophic exponential distribution with parameter \theta_N has density

f_N(x)=\theta_N \exp \left(-x \theta_N\right)

for x \ge 0 and \theta_N \in (\theta_L, \theta_U), the rate parameter must be a positive interval and x \ge 0.


dnsExp gives the density function

pnsExp gives the distribution function

qnsExp gives the quantile function

rnsExp generates random values from the neutrosophic exponential distribution.


Duan, W., Q., Khan, Z., Gulistan, M., Khurshid, A. (2021). Neutrosophic Exponential Distribution: Modeling and Applications for Complex Data Analysis, Complexity, 2021, 1-8.


# Example 4 of Duan et al. (2021)

data <- matrix(c(4, 4, 3.5, 3.5, 3.9, 4.1, 4.2, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7, 4.7),
 nrow = 6, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

dnsExp(data, rate = c(0.23, 0.24))
dnsExp(x = c(4, 4.1), rate = c(0.23, 0.24))

dnsExp(4, rate = c(0.23, 0.23))

# The cumulative distribution function for the nuetrosophic observation (4,4.1)
pnsExp(c(4, 4.1), rate = c(0.23, 0.24), lower.tail = TRUE)

pnsExp(4, rate = c(0.23, 0.24))
# The first percentile
qnsExp(p = 0.1, rate = 0.25)

# The quantiles
qnsExp(p = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), rate = c(0.24, 0.25))

# Simulate 10 numbers
rnsExp(n = 10, rate = c(0.23, 0.24))

[Package ntsDists version 2.1.1 Index]