nscumcomp {nsprcomp} | R Documentation |
Non-Negative and Sparse Cumulative PCA
Performs a PCA-like analysis on the given data matrix, where
non-negativity and/or sparsity constraints are enforced on the principal axes
(PAs). In contrast to regular PCA, which greedily maximises the variance of
each principal component (PC), nscumcomp
jointly optimizes the
components such that the cumulative variance of all PCs is maximal.
nscumcomp(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
nscumcomp(x, ncomp = min(dim(x)), omega = rep(1, nrow(x)),
k = d * ncomp, nneg = FALSE, gamma = 0, center = TRUE,
scale. = FALSE, nrestart = 5, em_tol = 0.001, em_maxiter = 20,
verbosity = 0, ...)
## S3 method for class 'formula'
nscumcomp(formula, data = NULL, subset, na.action, ...)
x |
a numeric matrix or data frame which provides the data for the analysis. |
... |
arguments passed to or from other methods. |
ncomp |
the number of principal components (PCs) to be computed. The
default is to compute a full basis for |
omega |
a vector with as many entries as there are data samples, to perform weighted PCA (analogous to weighted least-squares regression). The default is an equal weighting of all samples. |
k |
an upper bound on the total number of non-zero loadings of the
pseudo-rotation matrix |
nneg |
a logical value indicating whether the loadings should be non-negative, i.e. the PAs should be constrained to the non-negative orthant. |
gamma |
a non-negative penalty on the divergence from orthonormality of the pseudo-rotation matrix. The default is not to penalize, but a positive value is sometimes necessary to avoid PAs collapsing onto each other. |
center |
a logical value indicating whether the empirical mean of (the
columns of) |
scale. |
a logical value indicating whether the columns of |
nrestart |
the number of random restarts for computing the pseudo-rotation matrix via expectation-maximization (EM) iterations. The solution achieving the minimum of the objective function over all random restarts is kept. A value greater than one can help to avoid poor local minima. |
em_tol |
If the relative change of the objective is less than
em_maxiter |
the maximum number of EM iterations to be performed. The EM
procedure is terminated if either the |
verbosity |
an integer specifying the verbosity level. Greater values result in more output, the default is to be quiet. |
formula |
a formula with no response variable, referring only to numeric variables. |
data |
an optional data frame (or similar: see
subset |
an optional vector used to select rows (observations) of the
data matrix |
na.action |
a function which indicates what should happen
when the data contain |
computes all PCs jointly using expectation-maximization (EM)
iterations. The M-step is equivalent to minimizing the objective function
w.r.t. the pseudo-rotation matrix , where
is the scores matrix modified to account for the non-orthogonality of
is the identity matrix and
is the Lagrange parameter associated with the ortho-normality
penalty on . Non-negativity of the loadings is achieved by
enforcing a zero lower bound in the L-BFGS-B algorithm used for the
minimization of the objective, and sparsity is achieved by a subsequent soft
thresholding of
returns a list with class (nsprcomp, prcomp)
containing the following elements:
sdev |
the additional standard
deviation explained by each component, see |
rotation |
the matrix of non-negative and/or sparse loadings, containing the principal axes as columns. |
x |
the scores matrix
center , scale |
centering and scaling used, or |
xp |
the deflated data
matrix corresponding to |
q |
an orthonormal basis for the principal subspace |
The components are returned in order of decreasing variance for convenience.
The PCA terminology is not consistent across the literature. Given a
zero mean data matrix (with observations as rows) and a
of the principal subspace, we define the scores
matrix as
which contains the principal
components as its columns. The columns of the pseudo-rotation matrix
are called the principal axes, and the elements of
are called the loadings.
See Also
if (requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) withAutoprint({
# Regular PCA, with tolerance set to return five PCs
pca <- prcomp(MASS::Boston, tol = 0.35, scale. = TRUE)
# Sparse cumulative PCA with five components and a total of 20 non-zero loadings.
# The orthonormality penalty is set to a value which avoids co-linear principal
# axes. Note that the non-zero loadings are not distributed uniformly over
# the components.
scc <- nscumcomp(MASS::Boston, ncomp = 5, k = 20, gamma = 1e4, scale. = TRUE)
# Non-negative sparse cumulative PCA
nscumcomp(MASS::Boston, ncomp = 5, nneg = TRUE, k = 20, gamma = 1e4, scale. = TRUE)