german_credit {nsga3} | R Documentation |
The UCI "German Credit Data" Dataset
This dataset classifies people described by a set of attributes as good or bad credit risks.
A data frame with 1000 rows and 20 variables:
- account_status
Factor. Status of existing checking account
- duration
Numeric. Duration in month
- purpose
Factor. Purpose
- credit_history
Factor. Credit history
- amount
Numeric. Credit amount
- savings
Numeric. Savings account/bonds
- employment
Factor Present employment since
- installment_rate
Integer. Installment rate in percentage of disposable income
- status_gender
Factor. Personal status and gender
- guarantors
Factor. Other debtors / guarantors
- resident_since
Numeric. Present residence since
- property
Factor. Property
- age
Numeric. Age in years
- other_plans
Factor. Other installment plans
- housing
Factor. Housing
- num_credits
Numeric. num_credits
- job
Factor. Job
- people_maintenance
Numeric. Number of people being liable to provide maintenance for
- phone
Factor. Telephone
- foreign
Factor. foreign worker
Factor. Target feature. 1 = BAD
Professor Dr. Hofmann, Hans (1994). UCI Machine Learning Repository Hamburg, Germany: Universitaet Hamburg, Institut fuer Statistik und "Oekonometrie.