nsRFA-package {nsRFA}R Documentation

Non-supervised Regional Frequency Analysis


The estimation of hydrological variables in ungauged basins is a very important topic for many purposes, from research to engineering applications and water management (see the PUB project, Sivapalan et al., 2003). Regardless of the method used to perform such estimation, the underlying idea is to transfer the hydrological information from gauged to ungauged sites. When observations of the same variable at different measuring sites are available and many data samples are used together as source of information, the methods are called regional methods. The well known regional frequency analysis (e.g. Hosking and Wallis, 1997), where the interest is in the assessment of the frequency of hydrological events, belong to this class of methods. In literature, the main studied variable is the flood peak and the most used regional approach is the index-flood method of Dalrymple (1960), in which it is implicitly assumed that the flood frequency distribution for different sites belonging to a homogeneous region is the same except for a site-specific scale factor, the index-flood (see Hosking and Wallis, 1997, for details). Hence, the estimation of the flood frequency distribution for an ungauged site can be divided into two parts: estimation of the index-flood (more in general, the index-value) through linear/non-linear relations with climatic and basin descriptors; estimation of the adimentional flood frequency distribution, the growth curve, assigning the ungauged basin to one homogeneous region.

nsRFA is a collection of statistical tools for objective (non-supervised) applications of the Regional Frequency Analysis methods in hydrology. This does not mean that Regional Frequency Analysis should be non-supervised. These tools are addressed to experts, to help their expert judgement. The functions in nsRFA allow the application of the index-flood method in the following points:

- regionalization of the index-value;
- formation of homogeneous regions for the growth curves;
- fit of a distribution function to the empirical growth curve of each region;

Regionalization of the index-value

The index-value can be either the sample mean (e.g. Hosking and Wallis, 1997) or the sample median (e.g. Robson and Reed, 1999) or another scale parameter. Many methodological approaches are available for the index-value estimation, and their differences can be related to the amount of information available. Excluding direct methods, that use information provided by flow data available at the station of interest, regional estimation methods require ancillary hydrological and physical information. Those methods can be divided in two classes: the multiregressive approach and the hydrological simulation approach. For both of them, the best estimator is the one that optimizes some criterion, such as the minimum error, the minimum variance or the maximum efficiency. Due to its simplicity, the most frequently used method is the multiregressive approach (see e.g. Kottegoda & Rosso, 1998; Viglione et al., 2007a), that relates the index-flow to catchment characteristics, such as climatic indices, geologic and morphologic parameters, land cover type, etc., through linear or non-linear equations.

R provides the functions lm and nls for linear and non-linear regressions (package stats). With the package nsRFA, a tool to select the best linear regressions given a set of candidate descriptors, bestlm, is provided. In REGRDIAGNOSTICS several functions are provided to analyze the output of lm, such as: the coefficient of determination (classic and adjusted); the Student t significance test; the variance inflation factor (VIF); the root mean squared error (RMSE); the mean absolute error (MAE); the prediction intervals; predicted values by a jackknife (cross-validation) procedure. The functions in DIAGNOSTICS provide more general diagnostics of model results (that can be also non-linear), comparing estimated values with observed values.

More details are provided in vignettes:

nsRFA_ex01 How to use the package nsRFA (example 1):
Regional frequency analysis of the annual flows in Piemonte
and Valle d'Aosta

that can be accessed via vignette("nsRFA_ex01", package="nsRFA").

Formation of homogeneous regions for the growth curves

Different techniques exist, for example those that lead to the formation of fixed regions through cluster analysis (Hosking and Wallis, 1997, Viglione, 2007), or those based on the method of the region of influence (ROI, Burn, 1990). The regional procedure can be divided into two parts: the formation of regions and the assignment of an ungauged site to one of them. Concerning the first point, the sites are grouped according to their similarity in terms of those basin descriptors that are assumed to explain the shape of the growth curve. This shape is usually quantified in a parametric way. For instance, the coefficient of variation (CV) or the L-CV of the curve can be used for this purpose. The package nsRFA provide the functions in moments and Lmoments to calculate sample moments and L-moments. Subsequently, the selected parameter is related with basin descriptors through a linear or a more complex model. A regression analysis is performed with different combination of descriptors, and descriptors that are strongly related with the parameter are used to group sites in regions. The same tools used for the regionalization of the index value, i.e. bestlm, REGRDIAGNOSTICS and DIAGNOSTICS, can be used if the parametric method is chosen.

nsRFA also provide a non-parametric approach that considers the dimensionless growth curve as a whole (see, Viglione et al., 2006; Viglione, 2007). The multiregressive approach can still be used if we reason in terms of (dis)similarity between pairs of basins in the following way: (1) for each couple of stations, a dissimilarity index between non-dimensional curves is calculated using a quantitatively predefined metric, for example using the Anderson-Darling statistic (A2), and organising the distances in a matrix with AD.dist; (2) for each basin descriptor, the absolute value (or another metric) of the difference between its measure in two basins is used as distance between them, using dist of the package stats to obtain distance matrices; (4) a multiregressive approach (bestlm, lm) is applied considering the matrices as variables and the basin descriptors associated to the best regression are chosen; (5) the significance of the linear relationship between distance matrices is assessed through the Mantel test with mantel.lm.

In the suitable-descriptor's space, stations with similar descriptor values can be grouped into disjoint regions through a cluster analysis (using functions in traceWminim) or the ROI method can be used adapting a region to the ungauged basin (roi). In both cases, the homogeneity of the regions can be assessed with the functions in HOMTESTS, where the Hosking and Wallis heterogeneity measures (HW.tests, see Hosking and Wallis, 1997) and the Anderson-Darling homogeneity test (ADbootstrap.test, see Viglione et al., 2007b) are provided.

More details are provided in vignettes:

nsRFA_ex01 How to use the package nsRFA (example 1):
Regional frequency analysis of the annual flows in Piemonte
and Valle d'Aosta
nsRFA_ex02 How to use the package nsRFA (example 2):
Region-Of-Influence approach, some FEH examples

that can be accessed via vignette("nsRFA_ex01", package="nsRFA").

Fit of a distribution function to the empirical growth curve of each region

Once an homogeneous region is defined, the empirical growth curves can be pooled together and a probability distribution can be fitted to the pooled sample. The choice of the best distribution can be assisted by a Model Selection Criteria with MSClaio2008 (see, Laio et al., 2008). The parameters of the selected distribution can be estimated using the method of moments (moment_estimation), L-moments (par.GEV, par.genpar, par.gamma, ...) or maximum-likelihood (MLlaio2004). Goodness-of-fit tests are also available: the Anderson-Darling goodness of fit test with GOFlaio2004 (Laio. 2004), and Monte-Carlo based tests with GOFmontecarlo. Confidence intervals for the fitted distribution can be calculated with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, using BayesianMCMC.

More details are provided in vignettes:

nsRFA_ex01 How to use the package nsRFA (example 1):
Regional frequency analysis of the annual flows in Piemonte
and Valle d'Aosta
MSClaio2008 Model selection techniques for the frequency analysis
of hydrological extremes: the MSClaio2008 R function

that can be accessed via vignette("nsRFA_ex01", package="nsRFA").

Other functions

varLmoments provides distribution-free unbiased estimators of the variances and covariances of sample L-moments, as described in Elamir and Seheult (2004).

More details are provided in vignettes:

Fig1ElamirSeheult Figure 1 in Elamir and Seheult (2004)


Package: nsRFA
Version: 0.7

The package provides several tools for Regional Frequency Analysis of hydrological variables. The first version dates to 2006 and was developed in Turin at the Politecnico by Alberto Viglione.

For a complete list of the functions, use library(help="nsRFA").

Main changes in version 0.7

0.7-17: removal of old Fortran code and therefore of functions bestlm (and therefore the vignette nsRFA_ex01) and HW.original;
0.7-12: refinement of function BayesianMCMC allowing several threshold and new function BayesianMCMCreg;
0.7-1: refinement of function BayesianMCMC;
0.7-0: plotting position for historical information in DISTPLOTS;

Main changes in version 0.6

0.6-9: new vignette Fig11GriffisStedinger;
0.6-8: exponential and Gumbel distributions added in GOFmontecarlo;
0.6-6: some plotting position/probability plots have been added in DISTPLOTS;
0.6-4: refinement of function BayesianMCMC;
0.6-2: new vignette nsRFA_ex02;
0.6-2: refinement of function BayesianMCMC;
0.6-0: new vignette nsRFA_ex01;
0.6-0: new function bestlm;
0.6-0: the plotting position/probability plots in DISTPLOTS have been reshaped;
0.6-0: this list of changes has been added;


Alberto Viglione

Maintainer: Alberto Viglione <viglione@hydro.tuwien.ac.at>


All the manual references are listed here:

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[Package nsRFA version 0.7-17 Index]