nricens {nricens}R Documentation

NRI for time to event models


This function estimates the NRI for competing risk prediction models with time to event variable. coxph object, survreg object, predictors, and predicted risks can be used as input data for the calculation. The risk category based NRI and the risk difference based NRI can be calculated. Users can use several types of estimators to obtain point estimates of the NRI and its components. The percentile bootstrap method is used for an interval estimation.


nricens(time = NULL, event = NULL, mdl.std = NULL, = NULL,
        z.std = NULL, = NULL, p.std = NULL, = NULL, t0 = NULL,
        updown = "category", cut = NULL, point.method = "km",
        niter = 1000, alpha = 0.05, msg = TRUE)



Vector of observed follow up times, X = \min(T, C). T is event time, and C is censoring time.


Vector of event indicators, 1 for event of interest, 0 for censoring.


coxph or survreg objects corresponding to a standard and a new risk prediction model, respectively. Since predictors are extracted from these objects, x=TRUE is required when fitting a Cox or a parametric survival model.


Matrix of predictors for a standard and a new risk prediction model, respectively. Neither factor nor character nor missing values are allowed.


Vector of predicted risks from a standard and a new prediction model, respectively.


Scalar value indicating a time to determine evnet/non-event.


Character to specify the method to determine UP and DOWN. When "category" is specified (by default), the risk category based NRI is calculated. When "diff" is specified, the risk difference based NRI is calculated.


Scalar or vector values to specify the cutoff value(s) of predicted risks for determining UP and DOWN. For the risk category based NRI (updown = "category"), this option corresponds to cutoff value(s) of risk categories. For the risk difference based NRI (updown = "diff"), this option corresponds to a cutoff value of a risk difference (only scalar is allowed).


Character to determine an estimator for a point estimation. When "km" is specified, the Kaplan-Meier (KM) based NRI estimator is used (Pencina et al., 2011). When "ipw" is specified, the inverse probability weighting (IPW) NRI estimator is used (Uno et al., 2012).


Scalar value to determine the number of bootstratp sampling. When 0 is specified, an interval estimation is skipped.


1-alpha confidence interval is calcualted.


Logical value to display computation process. Setting FALSE leads silent execution.


Either one set of the following arguments should be specified for the NRI calculation: (mdl.std,; (time, event, z.std,; and (time, event, p.std,

In the first set of the argument, (mdl.std,, fitted results by coxph or survreg are used for the NRI calculation. time, event, z.std, and are extracted from fitted result objects. The variance of model parameters are accounted for an interval estimation of the NRI. When time and event are specified in arguments, those specified are used without extracting from coxph or survreg objects.

In the second set of the argument, (time, event, z.std,, a standard and a new prediction models are fitted inside this function with time, event, z.std and The variance of model parameters are also accounted for an interval estimation of the NRI.

In the third set of the argument, (time, event, p.std,, predicted risks are used. Since fit of prediction models are not conducted while in a bootstrap, this can be used for a validation study by an external data source or by a cross-validation.

For the risk category based NRI calculation, cutoff values of risk category can be specified by cut, which is a scalar for the case of two risk categories and is a vector for the case of more than two risk categories. UP and DOWN are determined by the movement in risk categories.

For the risk difference based NRI calculation, cutoff values of risk difference can also be specified by cut, where UP and DOWN are defiend as p_{new} - p_{standard} > \delta and p_{standard} - p_{new} > \delta, respectively. p_{standard} and p_{new} are predicted individual risks from a standard and a new prediction model, respectively, and \delta corresponds to cut. The continuous NRI, which is the special version of the risk difference based NRI, can be calculated by specifying both updown = "diff" and cut = 0.

Interval estimation is based on the percentile bootstrap method.


Returns a list of the following items:


Point and interval estimates of the NRI and its components.


Fitted coxph or survreg objects corresponding to a standard and a new prediction model, respectively. These items are provided when prediction models are fitted inside this function. Otherwise NULL.


Predictors of a standard and a new prediction model, respectively. These items are provided when they are extracted from mdl.std and Otherwise NULL.


Predicted risks by a standard and a new prediction model, respectively.

up, down

Logical values to show subjects who belong to UP and DOWN, respectively.

rtab,, rtab.ctrl

table objects corresponding to reclassification tables for all, case, and control subjects, respectively. These items are provided only when the risk category based NRI is specified and msg = TRUE.


Results of each bootstrap sample.


Pencina MJ, D'Agostino RB, Steyerberg EW. Extensions of net reclassification improvement calculations to measure usefulness of new biomarkers. Statistics in Medicine 2011.

Uno H, Tian L, Cai T, Kohane IS, Wei LJ. A unified inference procedure for a class of measures to assess improvement in risk prediction systems with survival data, Statistics in Medicine 2012.

Hsu CH, Taylor JMG. A robust weighted Kaplan-Meier approach for data with dependent censoring using linear combinations of prognostic covariates, Statistics in Medicine 2010.


## here consider pbc dataset in survival package as an example
dat = pbc[1:312,]
dat$sex = ifelse(dat$sex=='f', 1, 0)

## predciting the event of 'death'
time  = dat$time
event = ifelse(dat$status==2, 1, 0)

## standard prediction model: age, bilirubin, and albumin
z.std = as.matrix(subset(dat, select = c(age, bili, albumin)))

## new prediction model: age, bilirubin, albumin, and protime = as.matrix(subset(dat, select = c(age, bili, albumin, protime)))

## coxph fit
mstd = coxph(Surv(time,event) ~ ., data.frame(time,event,z.std), x=TRUE)
mnew = coxph(Surv(time,event) ~ ., data.frame(time,event,, x=TRUE)

## predicted risk at t0=2000
p.std = get.risk.coxph(mstd, t0=2000) = get.risk.coxph(mnew, t0=2000)

## Calculation of risk category NRI
##   by the KM estimator using ('mdl.std', 'mdl.std').
nricens(mdl.std = mstd, = mnew, t0 = 2000, cut = c(0.2, 0.4),
        niter = 0)

##   by the KM estimator using ('time', 'event', 'z.std', 'z.std').
nricens(time = time, event = event, z.std = z.std, =,
        t0 = 2000, cut = c(0.2, 0.4), niter = 0)

##   by the KM estimator using ('time','event','p.std','p.std').
nricens(time = time, event = event, p.std = p.std, =,
        t0 = 2000, cut = c(0.2, 0.4), niter = 0)

## Calculation of risk difference NRI by the KM estimator
nricens(mdl.std = mstd, = mnew, t0 = 2000, updown = 'diff',
        cut = 0.05, niter = 0)

## Calculation of risk difference NRI by the IPW estimator
nricens(mdl.std = mstd, = mnew, t0 = 2000, updown = 'diff',
        cut = 0.05, point.method = 'ipw', niter = 0)

[Package nricens version 1.6 Index]