gastric {npsurv}R Documentation

Gastric Cancer Survival Data


Contains the survival times of 45 gastrointestinal tumor patients who were treated with both chemotherapy and radiotherapy. It has both exact and right-censored observations.


A data frame with 30 observations and 3 variables:

L: left-end points of the interval-censored survival times;

R: right-end points of the interval-censored survival times.


Klein and Moeschberger (2003), page 224.


Klein, J. P. and Moeschberger, M. L. (2003). Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored and Truncated Data (2nd ed.). Springer.

See Also

npsurv, Uhaz.


plot(npsurv(gastric), col="grey")      # survival function
plot(h0<-Uhaz(gastric, deg=0)$h, fn="s", add=TRUE, col="green3")
plot(h1<-Uhaz(gastric, deg=1)$h, fn="s", add=TRUE)
plot(h2<-Uhaz(gastric, deg=2)$h, fn="s", add=TRUE, col="red3")

plot(h0, fn="h", col="green3")         # hazard function
plot(h1, fn="h", add=TRUE)
plot(h2, fn="h", add=TRUE, col="red3")

plot(h0, fn="d", col="green3")         # density function
plot(h1, fn="d", add=TRUE)
plot(h2, fn="d", add=TRUE, col="red3") 

[Package npsurv version 0.5-0 Index]