npc {nproc}R Documentation

Construct a Neyman-Pearson Classifier from a sample of class 0 and class 1.


Given a type I error upper bound alpha and a violation upper bound delta, npc calculates the Neyman-Pearson Classifier which controls the type I error under alpha with probability at least 1-delta.


npc(x = NULL, y, method = c("logistic", "penlog", "svm", "randomforest",
  "lda", "slda", "nb", "nnb", "ada", "tree"), alpha = 0.05, delta = 0.05,
  split = 1, split.ratio = 0.5, n.cores = 1, band = FALSE,
  nfolds = 10, randSeed = 0, warning = TRUE, ...)



n * p observation matrix. n observations, p covariates.


n 0/1 observatons.


base classification method.

  • logistic: Logistic regression. glm function with family = 'binomial'

  • penlog: Penalized logistic regression with LASSO penalty. glmnet in glmnet package

  • svm: Support Vector Machines. svm in e1071 package

  • randomforest: Random Forest. randomForest in randomForest package

  • lda: Linear Discriminant Analysis. lda in MASS package

  • slda: Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis with LASSO penalty.

  • nb: Naive Bayes. naiveBayes in e1071 package

  • nnb: Nonparametric Naive Bayes. naive_bayes in naivebayes package

  • ada: Ada-Boost. ada in ada package


the desirable upper bound on type I error. Default = 0.05.


the violation rate of the type I error. Default = 0.05.


the number of splits for the class 0 sample. Default = 1. For ensemble version, choose split > 1.


the ratio of splits used for the class 0 sample to train the base classifier. The rest are used to estimate the threshold. Can also be set to be "adaptive", which will be determined using a data-driven method implemented in find.optim.split. Default = 0.5.


number of cores used for parallel computing. Default = 1. WARNING: windows machine is not supported.


whether to generate both lower and upper bounds of type II error. Default = FALSE.


number of folds for performing adaptive split ratio selection. Default = 10.


the random seed used in the algorithm.


whether to show various warnings in the program. Default = TRUE.


additional arguments.


An object with S3 class npc.


a list of length max(1,split), represents the fit during each split.


the base classification method.


the number of splits used.


Xin Tong, Yang Feng, and Jingyi Jessica Li (2018), Neyman-Pearson (NP) classification algorithms and NP receiver operating characteristic (NP-ROC), Science Advances, 4, 2, eaao1659.

See Also

nproc and predict.npc


n = 1000
x = matrix(rnorm(n*2),n,2)
c = 1+3*x[,1]
y = rbinom(n,1,1/(1+exp(-c)))
xtest = matrix(rnorm(n*2),n,2)
ctest = 1+3*xtest[,1]
ytest = rbinom(n,1,1/(1+exp(-ctest)))

##Use lda classifier and the default type I error control with alpha=0.05, delta=0.05
fit = npc(x, y, method = 'lda')
pred = predict(fit,xtest)
fit.score = predict(fit,x)
accuracy = mean(pred$pred.label==ytest)
cat('Overall Accuracy: ',  accuracy,'\n')
ind0 = which(ytest==0)
typeI = mean(pred$pred.label[ind0]!=ytest[ind0]) #type I error on test set
cat('Type I error: ', typeI, '\n')

## Not run: 
##Ensembled lda classifier with split = 11,  alpha=0.05, delta=0.05
fit = npc(x, y, method = 'lda', split = 11)
pred = predict(fit,xtest)
accuracy = mean(pred$pred.label==ytest)
cat('Overall Accuracy: ',  accuracy,'\n')
ind0 = which(ytest==0)
typeI = mean(pred$pred.label[ind0]!=ytest[ind0]) #type I error on test set
cat('Type I error: ', typeI, '\n')

##Now, change the method to logistic regression and change alpha to 0.1
fit = npc(x, y, method = 'logistic', alpha = 0.1)
pred = predict(fit,xtest)
accuracy = mean(pred$pred.label==ytest)
cat('Overall Accuracy: ',  accuracy,'\n')
ind0 = which(ytest==0)
typeI = mean(pred$pred.label[ind0]!=ytest[ind0]) #type I error on test set
cat('Type I error: ', typeI, '\n')

##Now, change the method to adaboost
fit = npc(x, y, method = 'ada', alpha = 0.1)
pred = predict(fit,xtest)
accuracy = mean(pred$pred.label==ytest)
cat('Overall Accuracy: ',  accuracy,'\n')
ind0 = which(ytest==0)
typeI = mean(pred$pred.label[ind0]!=ytest[ind0]) #type I error on test set
cat('Type I error: ', typeI, '\n')

##Now, try the adaptive splitting ratio
fit = npc(x, y, method = 'ada', alpha = 0.1, split.ratio = 'adaptive')
pred = predict(fit,xtest)
accuracy = mean(pred$pred.label==ytest)
cat('Overall Accuracy: ',  accuracy,'\n')
ind0 = which(ytest==0)
typeI = mean(pred$pred.label[ind0]!=ytest[ind0]) #type I error on test set
cat('Type I error: ', typeI, '\n')
cat('Splitting ratio:', fit$split.ratio)

## End(Not run)

[Package nproc version 2.1.5 Index]