varimp {npreg} | R Documentation |
Variable Importance Indices
Computes variable importance indices for terms of a smooth model.
varimp(object, newdata = NULL, combine = TRUE)
object |
an object of class "sm" output by the |
newdata |
the data used for variable importance calculation (if |
combine |
a switch indicating if the parametric and smooth components of the importance should be combined (default) or returned separately. |
Suppose that the function can be written as
\eta = \eta_0 + \eta_1 + \eta_2 + ... + \eta_p
where \eta_0
is a constant (intercept) term, and \eta_j
denotes the j
-th effect function, which is assumed to have mean zero. Note that \eta_j
could be a main or interaction effect function for all j = 1, ..., p
The variable importance index for the j
-th effect term is defined as
\pi_j = (\eta_j^\top \eta_*) / (\eta_*^\top \eta_*)
where \eta_* = \eta_1 + \eta_2 + ... + \eta_p
. Note that \sum_{j = 1}^p \pi_j = 1
but there is no guarantee that \pi_j > 0
If all \pi_j
are non-negative, then \pi_j
gives the proportion of the model's R-squared that can be accounted for by the j
-th effect term. Thus, values of \pi_j
closer to 1 indicate that \eta_j
is more important, whereas values of \pi_j
closer to 0 (including negative values) indicate that \eta_j
is less important.
If combine = TRUE
, returns a named vector containing the importance indices for each effect function (in object$terms
If combine = FALSE
, returns a data frame where the first column gives the importance indices for the p
arametric components and the second column gives the importance indices for the s
mooth (nonparametric) components.
When combine = FALSE
, importance indices will be equal to zero for non-existent components of a model term. For example, a nominal
effect does not have a parametric component, so the $p
component of the importance index for a nominal effect will be zero.
Nathaniel E. Helwig <>
Gu, C. (2013). Smoothing spline ANOVA models, 2nd edition. New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-5369-7
Helwig, N. E. (2020). Multiple and Generalized Nonparametric Regression. In P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J. W. Sakshaug, & R. A. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations. doi:10.4135/9781526421036885885
See Also
for more thorough summaries of smooth models.
See summary.gsm
for more thorough summaries of generalized smooth models.
########## EXAMPLE 1 ##########
### 1 continuous and 1 nominal predictor
# generate data
n <- 100
x <- seq(0, 1, length.out = n)
z <- factor(sample(letters[1:3], size = n, replace = TRUE))
fun <- function(x, z){
mu <- c(-2, 0, 2)
zi <- as.integer(z)
fx <- mu[zi] + 3 * x + sin(2 * pi * x)
fx <- fun(x, z)
y <- fx + rnorm(n, sd = 0.5)
# define marginal knots
probs <- seq(0, 0.9, by = 0.1)
knots <- list(x = quantile(x, probs = probs),
z = letters[1:3])
# fit correct (additive) model
sm.add <- sm(y ~ x + z, knots = knots)
# fit incorrect (interaction) model <- sm(y ~ x * z, knots = knots)
# true importance indices
eff <- data.frame(x = 3 * x + sin(2 * pi * x), z = c(-2, 0, 2)[as.integer(z)])
eff <- scale(eff, scale = FALSE)
fstar <- rowSums(eff)
colSums(eff * fstar) / sum(fstar^2)
# estimated importance indices
########## EXAMPLE 2 ##########
### 4 continuous predictors
### additive model
# generate data
n <- 100
fun <- function(x){
sin(pi*x[,1]) + sin(2*pi*x[,2]) + sin(3*pi*x[,3]) + sin(4*pi*x[,4])
data <-, runif(n)))
colnames(data) <- c("x1v", "x2v", "x3v", "x4v")
fx <- fun(data)
y <- fx + rnorm(n)
# define ssa knot indices
knots.indx <- c(bin.sample(data$x1v, nbin = 10, index.return = TRUE)$ix,
bin.sample(data$x2v, nbin = 10, index.return = TRUE)$ix,
bin.sample(data$x3v, nbin = 10, index.return = TRUE)$ix,
bin.sample(data$x4v, nbin = 10, index.return = TRUE)$ix)
# fit correct (additive) model
sm.add <- sm(y ~ x1v + x2v + x3v + x4v, data = data, knots = knots.indx)
# fit incorrect (interaction) model <- sm(y ~ x1v * x2v + x3v + x4v, data = data, knots = knots.indx)
# true importance indices
eff <- data.frame(x1v = sin(pi*data[,1]), x2v = sin(2*pi*data[,2]),
x3v = sin(3*pi*data[,3]), x4v = sin(4*pi*data[,4]))
eff <- scale(eff, scale = FALSE)
fstar <- rowSums(eff)
colSums(eff * fstar) / sum(fstar^2)
# estimated importance indices