Planning and Analysing Survival Studies under Non-Proportional Hazards

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Documentation for package ‘nph’ version 2.1

Help Pages

logrank.maxtest Maximum combination (MaxCombo) log-rank test
logrank.test Weighted log-rank test
m2r Transform median time into rate
nphparams Simultaneous Inference For Parameters Quantifying Differences Between Two Survival Functions
nph_gui Launch a GUI (shiny app) for the nph package
pchaz Calculate survival for piecewise constant hazard
pembro Reconstructed Data Set Based On Survival Curves In Burtess et al. 2019
plot.mixpch Plot mixpch Objects
plot.nphparams Plot nphparams Objects
plot_diagram Draw a state space figure
plot_shhr Plot of survival, hazard and hazard ratio of two groups as a function of time
plot_subgroups Draw a population composition plot
pop_pchaz Calculate survival for piecewise constant hazards with change after random time and mixture of subpopulations
print.nphparams Print nphparams Objects
print.wlogrank Weighted log-rank test
print.wlogrank_max Maximum combination (MaxCombo) log-rank test
rSurv_conditional_fun Draw conditional random survival times from mixpch object.
rSurv_fun Draw random survival times from mixpch object.
sample_conditional_fun Draw conditional survival times based on study settings
sample_fun Draw survival times based on study settings
subpop_pchaz Calculate survival for piecewise constant hazards with change after random time