sarcoma {npcurePK}R Documentation

Sarcoma Dataset


Sarcoma is a rare type of cancer that represents 1% of all adult solid malignancies (Choy, 2014). If a tumor can be surgically removed to render the patient with sarcoma free of detectable disease, 5 years is the survival time at which sarcoma oncologists assume long-term remissions. sarcoma dataset contains the observed survival time of 232 patients until death from sarcoma, and covariates such as the age at diagnosis. Patients tumor free for more than 5 years were assumed to be long-term survivors (known to be cured, xinu = 1).


    data(sarcoma, package = "npcurePK")


A data frame with 232 rows and 4 variables:


Age (years) of patients at diagnosis.


Observed time until death from sarcoma.


Censoring status (0 = censored, 1 = death from sarcoma).


Cure status (0 = dead or unknown, 1 = tumor free for more than 5 years).


Provided by the authors to serve as an example.


Choy, E. (2014). Sarcoma after 5 years of progression-free survival: Lessons from the French sarcoma group. Cancer, 120(19), 2942-2943.


## Survival estimates of patients aged 40 and 90 years old
## computed with bootstrap bandwidths
## (seed is used for bootstrap resampling)
(S1 <- prodlim_curepk(x, t, d, xinu, sarcoma, x0 = c(40, 90),
                      bootpars = controlpars(b = 100, ncores = 2, seed = 123)))
plot(S1$t, S1$surv[, 1], type = "s", xlab = "Time",
     ylab = "Survival probability", ylim = c(0, 1))
lines(S1$t, S1$surv[, 2], type = "s")

[Package npcurePK version 1.0-2 Index]