latency_curepk {npcurePK}R Documentation

Compute Estimator of Latency Function when Cure Status is Partially Known


This function computes the nonparametric estimator of the latency function when cure status is partially known proposed by Safari et al (2023).


    latency_curepk(x, t, d, xinu, dataset, x0, h, local = TRUE,
                   bootpars = if (!missing(h)) NULL else controlpars())



If dataset is missing, a numeric object giving the covariate values. If dataset is a data frame, it is interpreted as the name of the variable corresponding to the covariate in the data frame.


If dataset is missing, a numeric object giving the observed times. If dataset is a data frame, it is interpreted as the name of the variable corresponding to the observed times in the data frame.


If dataset is missing, an integer object giving the values of the uncensoring indicator. Censored observations must be coded as 0, uncensored ones as 1. If dataset is a data frame, it is interpreted as the name of the variable corresponding to the uncensoring indicator in the data frame.


If dataset is missing, an integer object giving the values of the cure status indicator. Uncensored and unknown censored observations must be coded as 0, known to be cured censored ones as 1. If dataset is a data frame, it is interpreted as the name of the variable corresponding to the cure status indicator in the data frame.


An optional data frame in which the variables named in x, t, d and xinu are interpreted. If it is missing, x, t, d and xinu must be objects of the workspace.


A numeric vector of covariate values where the estimates of the latency function will be computed.


A numeric matrix of bandwidths.


A logical value, TRUE by default, specifying whether local or global bandwidths are used.


A list of parameters controlling the bootstrap when computing the bootstrap bandwidths of the product-limit estimator. B, the number of bootstrap resamples, and nnfrac, the fraction of the sample size that determines the order of the nearest neighbor used for choosing a pilot bandwidth. If h is missing the list of parameters is extended to be the same used for computing the bootstrap bandwidth. The default is the value returned by the controlpars function called without arguments.


This function computes an estimator of the latency function S_0(t\mid x)=P(Y>t\mid Y<\infty, X=x) when the cure status is partially known, introduced in Safari et al (2023). It is based on the relationship

S(t\mid x)=1-p(x)+p(x)S_0(t\mid x)

, using the kernel estimator of the cure rate 1-p(x) in Safari et al (2022) and the survival function S(t\mid x) in Safari et al (2021), with Nadaraya-Watson weights and bandwidth h_1 for the cure rate and h_2 for the survival function. If there are not individuals known to be cured (xinu=0), then the kernel estimator of the cure rate in López-Cheda et al (2017) is computed.

The latency estimator is computed with the pair of bandwidths in h. One bandwidth h[1, ] is used for the estimation of 1-p(x) and another bandwidth h[2, ] is used for the estimation of S(t\mid x). If the smoothing parameter h is not provided, then the bootstrap bandwidth selector in Safari et al (2023) is used. The kernel considered is Epanechnikov kernel. The function is available only for one continuous covariate X.


A list of components:


The numeric matrix (2 x length(x0)) of bandwidths used in the estimation. One bandwidth h[1, ] is used for the estimation of 1-p(x) and another bandwidth h[2, ] is used for the estimation of S(t \mid x). If h argument is missing, the bootstrap bandwidth computed with the control parameters in argument bootpars.


The numeric vector of covariate values where the estimate of the latency function is computed.


The estimate of the cure probability 1 - p(x0) with bandwidth h[1, ]. It is a vector of the same length as x0.


The observed time values, where the latency function is estimated.


Estimates of the survival function for each one of the covariate values specified by the x0 argument and the bandwidths in h[2, ]. It is a matrix of dimension n\times length(x0) if local bandwidths or bootstrap bandwidths are used, or an array for global bandwidths instead.


Estimates of the latency for each one of the covariate values specified by the x0 argument and the bandwidths in h. It is a matrix of dimension n\times length(x0) if local bandwidths or bootstrap bandwidths are used, or an array for global bandwidths instead.


López-Cheda, A., Jácome, M.A., Cao, R. (2017). Nonparametric latency estimation for mixture cure models. TEST 26:353-376. doi:10.1007/s11749-016-0515-1.

Safari, W. C., López-de-Ullibarri I., Jácome, M. A. (2021). A product-limit estimator of the conditional survival function when cure status is partially known. Biometrical Journal, 63(5): 984-1005. doi:10.1002/bimj.202000173.

Safari, W. C., López-de-Ullibarri I., Jácome, M. A. (2022). Nonparametric kernel estimation of the probability of cure in a mixture cure model when the cure status is partially observed. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31(11):2164-2188. doi:10.1177/09622802221115880.

Safari, W. C., López-de-Ullibarri I., Jácome, M. A. (2023). Latency function estimation under the mixture cure model when the cure status is available. Lifetime Data Analysis. doi:10.1007/s10985-023-09591-x.

See Also




## Data-generating function
## n: sample size
## x_cov_range: range of covariate values
## p_knowncure: probability of known cure
data_gen <- function(n, x_cov_range, p_knowncure) {
    ## probability of being susceptible
    p0 <- function(x) exp(2*x)/(1 + exp(2*x))
    ## covariate values
    x <- runif(n, x_cov_range[1], x_cov_range[2])
    ## censoring times
    c <- rexp(n)
    u <- runif(n)
    v <- runif(n)
    data <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 4L,
                              dimnames = list(NULL, c("x", "t", "d", "xinu"))))
    data[, "x"] <- x
    for (i in 1:n) {
        if (u[i] > p0(x[i])) {
            ## Cured individuals (all of them are censored: Yi = infty,
            ## Ti = Ci, delta = 0, nu = 1)
            data[i, "t"] <- c[i]
            if (v[i] < p_knowncure)
                data[i, "xinu"]  <- 1 
        } else {
            ## Uncured individual (Yi < infty, Ti = min(Yi, Ci),
            ## delta = 1(Yi < Ci), nu = 0)
            ## Uncensored individual (d = 1): cure status is
            ## observed (xi = 1), i.e., xinu = 0
            ## Censored individual (d = 0): cure status is
            ## unknown (xi = 0), i.e., = 0
            y <- rweibull(1, shape = 0.5 * (x[i] + 4))
            data[i, "t"]  <- ifelse(v[i] < p_knowncure, y, min(y, c[i]))
            if (data[i, "t"] == y) data[i, "d"] <- 1

data <- data_gen(n = 100, x_cov_range = c(-2, 2), p_knowncure = 0.8)

## Latency estimates for one single covariate value x0 = 0 and using...
x0 <- 0

## ... (a) one single fixed bandwidth h = [1.1, 1] 
## h[1,] = 1.1 is used for estimating p(x) at x0 = 0
## h[2,] = 1 is used for estimating S(t|x) at x0 = 0
## The latency estimates are saved in an array (n × 1)
S0_1 <- latency_curepk(x, t, d, xinu, data, x0 = 0, 
                       h = matrix(c(1.1, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 1, byrow = TRUE),
                       local = TRUE)
## Plot predicted latency curve for covariate value x0 = 0 and bandwidths
## h = [1.1, 1]
plot(S0_1$t, S0_1$latency, type = "s", xlab = "Time",
     ylab = "Latency function", ylim = c(0, 1))
## The true latency function is included as reference     
lines(S0_1$t, 1 - pweibull(S0_1$t, shape = 0.5 * (x0 + 4)))

## ... (b) two fixed bandwidths h = [1.1, 1] and h = [1.5, 2]
## One estimate of the latency S0(t|x0 = 0) is obtained using h[1, 1] = 1.1
## for estimating p(x) and h[2,1] = 1 for estimating S(t|x)
## Second estimate of the latency S0(t|x0 = 0) is obtained using h[1, 2] = 1.5
## using h[1,2] = 1.5 for estimating p(x) and h[2,2] = 2 for estimating S(t|x)
## The estimates are saved in an array (n × 2)
S0_2 <- latency_curepk(x, t, d, xinu, data, x0 = c(0, 0), 
                       h = matrix(c(1.1, 1, 1.5, 2), nrow = 2, ncol = 2,
                                  byrow = FALSE), local = TRUE)
## Plot predicted latency curve for covariate value x0 = 0 and bandwidths
## h = [1.1, 1] and and h = [1.5, 2]
plot(S0_2$t, S0_2$latency[, 1], type = "s", xlab = "Time",
     ylab = "Latency function", ylim = c(0, 1))
lines(S0_2$t, S0_2$latency[, 2], type = "s", lwd = 2)
## The true latency function is included as reference     
lines(S0_2$t, 1 - pweibull(S0_2$t, shape = 0.5 * (x0 + 4)))

    ## ... (c) with the bootstrap bandwidth selector (the default when the 
    ## bandwidth argument h is not provided).
    ## The bootstrap bandwidth is searched with parallel computation 
    ## (ncores = 2) in a grid of 9 bandwidths (hl = 9) between 0.2 and 2 times
    ## the standardized interquartile range of the covariate values
    ## (hbound = c(0.1, 2)). The latency estimates are saved in an array of
    ## dimension (n, 1)
    (S0_3 <- latency_curepk(x, t, d, xinu, data, x0 = 0,
                            bootpars = controlpars(b = 50, hl = 9, 
                            hbound = c(0.1, 2), ncores = 2)))
    plot(S0_3$t, S0_3$latency[, 1], type = "s", xlab = "Time",
         ylab = "Latency function", ylim = c(0, 1))                      
    ## The true latency function is included as reference     
    lines(S0_3$t, 1 - pweibull(S0_3$t, shape = 0.5 * (x0 + 4)))

[Package npcurePK version 1.0-2 Index]