testcov {npcure} | R Documentation |
Covariate Significance Test of the Cure Probability
This function carries out a significance test of covariate effect on the probability of cure.
testcov(x, t, d, dataset, bootpars = controlpars())
x |
If |
t |
If |
d |
If |
dataset |
An optional data frame in which the variables named in
bootpars |
A list of parameters controlling the test. Currently,
the only accepted component is |
The function computes a statistic, based on the method by
Delgado and González-Manteiga (2004), to test whether a covariate X
has an effect on the cure probability (: cure probability =
q(x)) or not (
: cure probability = q). Since the cure rate
can be written as the regression function
, where
is the cure
indicator, the procedure is carried out as a significance test in
nonparametric regression. The challenge of the test is that the cure
is only partially observed due to censoring:
for the uncensored observations
, but it is
unknown if a censored individual will be eventually cured or not
unknown). The approach consists in expressing the cure
rate as a regression function with another response, not observable
but estimable, say
. The estimated values of
depend on suitable estimates of the conditional
distribution of the censoring variable and
, an
unknown time beyond which a subject could be considered as cured; see
López-Cheda (2018). For the computation of the values of
, the censoring distribution is estimated
unconditionally using the Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimator. The
is estimated by the largest uncensored time.
The test statistic is a weighted mean of the difference between the
observations of and the values of the conditional
mean of
under the null hypothesis:
For a qualitative covariate there is no natural way to order the values
. In principle, this makes impossible to compute the indicator
function in the test statistic. The problem is solved by considering all
the possible combinations of the covariate values, and by computing the
test statistic for each 'ordered' combination.
is taken
as the largest value of these test statistics.
The distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis is approximated by bootstrap, using independent naive resampling.
An object of S3 class 'npcure'. Formally, a list of components:
type |
The constant character string c("test", "Covariate"). |
x |
The name of the covariate. |
CM |
The result of the Cramer-von Mises test: a list with
components |
KS |
The result of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: a list with
components |
Ignacio López-de-Ullibarri [aut, cre], Ana López-Cheda [aut], Maria Amalia Jácome [aut]
Delgado M. A., González-Manteiga W. (2001). Significance testing in nonparametric regression based on the bootstrap. Annals of Statistics, 29: 1469-1507.
López-Cheda A. (2018). Nonparametric Inference in Mixture Cure Models. PhD dissertation, Universidade da Coruña. Spain.
See Also
## Some artificial data
n <- 50
x <- runif(n, -2, 2) ## Covariate values
y <- rweibull(n, shape = .5*(x + 4)) ## True lifetimes
c <- rexp(n) ## Censoring values
p <- exp(2*x)/(1 + exp(2*x)) ## Probability of being susceptible
u <- runif(n)
t <- ifelse(u < p, pmin(y, c), c) ## Observed times
d <- ifelse(u < p, ifelse(y < c, 1, 0), 0) ## Uncensoring indicator
data <- data.frame(x = x, t = t, d = d)
## Test of the significance of the covariate 'x'
testcov(x, t, d, data)
## Test carried out with 1999 bootstrap resamples (the default is 999)
testcov(x, t, d, data, bootpars = controlpars(B = 1999))
## How to apply the test repeatedly when there is more than one
## covariate...
## ... 'y' is another continuous covariate of the data frame 'data'
data$y <- runif(n, -1, 1)
namecovar <- c("x", "y")
## ... testcov is called from a 'for' loop
for (i in 1:length(namecovar)) {
result <- testcov(data[, namecovar[i]], data$t, data$d)
## In the previous example, testcov() was called without using the
## argument 'dataset'. To use it, the 'for' must be avoided
testcov(x, t, d, data)
testcov(y, t, d, data)
## Non-numeric covariates can also be tested...
## ... 'z' is a nominal covariate of the data frame 'data'
data$z <- rep(factor(letters[1:5]), each = n/5)
testcov(z, t, d, data)
## Example with the dataset 'bmt' in the 'KMsurv' package
## to study the effect on the probability of cure of...
## ... (a) a continuous covariate (z1 = age of the patient)
data("bmt", package = "KMsurv")
set.seed(1) ## Not needed, just for reproducibility.
testcov(z1, t2, d3, bmt, bootpars = controlpars(B = 4999))
## ... (b) a qualitative covariate (z3 = patient gender)
set.seed(1) ## Not needed, just for reproducibility.
testcov(z3, t2, d3, bmt, bootpars = controlpars(B = 4999))