probcure {npcure} | R Documentation |
Compute Nonparametric Estimator of the Conditional Probability of Cure
This function computes the nonparametric estimator of the conditional probability of cure proposed by Xu and Peng (2014).
probcure(x, t, d, dataset, x0, h, local = TRUE, conflevel = 0L,
bootpars = if (conflevel == 0 && !missing(h)) NULL else controlpars())
x |
If |
t |
If |
d |
If |
dataset |
An optional data frame in which the variables named in
x0 |
A numeric vector of covariate values where the estimates of cure probability will be computed. |
h |
A numeric vector of bandwidths. If it is missing the default
is to use the local bootstrap bandwidth computed by the
local |
A logical value, |
conflevel |
A value controlling whether bootstrap confidence intervals (CI) of the cure probability are to be computed. With the default value, 0L, the CIs are not computed. If a numeric value between 0 and 1 is passed, it specifies the confidence level of the CIs. |
bootpars |
A list of parameters controlling the bootstrap when
computing either the CIs of the cure probability or the bootstrap
bandwidth (if |
The function computes the nonparametric estimator of the
conditional cure probability proposed by Xu and Peng (2014), and also studied
by López-Cheda et al (2017). It is only available for a continuous
An object of S3 class 'npcure'. Formally, a list of components:
estimate |
The constant string "cure". |
local |
The value of the |
h |
The value of the |
x0 |
The value of the |
q |
A list with the estimates of the probability of cure. |
conf |
A list of components |
Ignacio López-de-Ullibarri [aut, cre], Ana López-Cheda [aut], Maria Amalia Jácome [aut]
López-Cheda, A., Cao, R., Jácome, M. A., Van Keilegom, I. (2017). Nonparametric incidence estimation and bootstrap bandwidth selection in mixture cure models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 105: 144–165.
Xu, J., Peng, Y. (2014). Nonparametric cure rate estimation with covariates. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 42: 1-17.
See Also
## Some artificial data
n <- 50
x <- runif(n, -2, 2) ## Covariate values
y <- rweibull(n, shape = 0.5 * (x + 4)) ## True lifetimes
c <- rexp(n) ## Censoring values
p <- exp(2*x)/(1 + exp(2*x)) ## Probability of being susceptible
u <- runif(n)
t <- ifelse(u < p, pmin(y, c), c) ## Observed times
d <- ifelse(u < p, ifelse(y < c, 1, 0), 0) ## Uncensoring indicator
data <- data.frame(x = x, t = t, d = d)
## Covariate values where cure probability is estimated
x0 <- seq(-1.5, 1.5, by = 0.1)
## Nonparametric estimates of cure probability at 'x0'...
## ... (a) with global bandwidths 1, 1.5, 2
q1 <- probcure(x, t, d, data, x0 = x0, h = c(1, 1.5, 2), local = FALSE)
#### Plot predicted cure probabilities at 'x0' for each bandwidth in 'h'
#### (the true cure probability is displayed for reference)
plot(q1$x0, q1$q$h1, type = "l", xlab = "Covariate", ylab =
"Cure probability", ylim = c(0, 1))
lines(q1$x0, q1$q$h1.5, lty = 2)
lines(q1$x0, q1$q$h2, lty = 3)
lines(q1$x0, 1 - exp(2*q1$x0)/(1 + exp(2*q1$x0)), col = 2)
legend("topright", c(paste("Estimate, ", c("h = 1", "h = 1.5",
"h = 2")), "True"), lty = c(1, 2, 3, 1), col = c(1, 1, 1, 2))
## ... (b) with local bandwidths (default)
#### (the vectors passed to 'x0' and 'h' must have the same length)
q2 <- probcure(x, t, d, data, x0 = x0, h = seq(1, 2.5, along = x0))
## ... (c) with local bootstrap bandwidths (based on 1999 booostrap
#### resamples). Besides, 95% confidence intervals are computed and
#### smoothed (with a 15-th order moving average)
set.seed(1) ## Not needed, just for reproducibility.
hb <- probcurehboot(x, t, d, data, x0 = x0, bootpars = controlpars(B =
1999, hsmooth = 15))
q3 <- probcure(x, t, d, data, x0 = x0, h = hb$hsmooth, conflevel = .95,
bootpars = controlpars(B = 1999))
## ... (d) If the bandwidth is not specified, the local bootstrap
#### bandwidth is used (same results as in (c))
set.seed(1) ## Not needed, just for reproducibility.
q4 <- probcure(x, t, d, data, x0 = x0, conflevel = .95, bootpars =
controlpars(B = 1999, hsmooth = 15))
#### Plot of the estimated cure probabilities evaluated at 'x0'
#### (true cure rate displayed as reference)
plot (q4$x0, q4$q, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "Covariate X",
ylab = "Cure probability")
lines(q4$x0, q4$conf$lower, lty = 2)
lines(q4$x0, q4$conf$upper, lty = 2)
lines(q4$x0, 1-exp(2 * q4$x0)/(1 + exp(2 * q4$x0)), col = 2)
legend("topright", c("Estimate", "95% CI limits", "True"),
lty = c(1, 2, 1), col = c(1, 1, 2))
## Example with the dataset 'bmt' in the 'KMsurv' package
## to study the probability of cure as a function of the age (z1).
data("bmt", package = "KMsurv")
x0 <- seq(quantile(bmt$z1, .05), quantile(bmt$z1, .95), length.out = 100)
q.age <- probcure(z1, t2, d3, bmt, x0 = x0, conflevel = .95, bootpars =
controlpars(B = 1999, hsmooth = 10))
## Plot of estimated cure probability and confidence intervals
par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 5) + .1)
plot(q.age$x0, q.age$q, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1), xlab =
"Patient age (years)", ylab = "Cure probability")
lines(q.age$x0, q.age$conf$lower, lty = 2)
lines(q.age$x0, q.age$conf$upper, lty = 2)
## The estimated density of age (z1) is added for reference
par(new = TRUE)
d.age <- density(bmt$z1)
plot(d.age, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", col = 2,
main = "", zero.line = FALSE)
mtext("Density", side = 4, col = 2, line = 3)
axis(4, ylim = c(0, max(d.age$y)), col = 2, col.axis = 2)
legend("topright", c("Estimate", "95% CI limits", "Covariate density"),
lty = c(1, 2, 1), col = c(1, 1, 2))