bootFbar {npboottprmFBar} | R Documentation |
Nonparametric Bootstrap Test with Pooled Resampling for Informative Hypothesis Testing
Performs a nonparametric bootstrap test with pooled resampling based on the methods
described by Dwivedi et al. (2017) and using the restriktor::iht
function as
proposed by Vanbrabant and Rosseel (2020).
nboot = 1000,
conf.level = 0.95,
seed = NULL,
na_rm = FALSE
data |
A data frame containing the dataset for analysis. |
formula |
An object of class |
grp |
A string specifying the grouping variable in the data. |
constraints |
A matrix or data frame of constraints for the hypothesis test. |
nboot |
An integer indicating the number of bootstrap resamples (default is 1000). |
conf.level |
A numeric value specifying the confidence level for the interval (default is 0.95). |
seed |
An optional integer setting the seed for random number generation (default is NULL). |
na_rm |
A logical value indicating whether NA values should be removed (default is FALSE). |
A list containing the following components:
-pvalueA, pvalueB, pvalueF: P-values for the different test types.
-ciA, ciB, ciF: Confidence intervals for the test statistics.
-TsA, TsB, TsF: Bootstrap test statistics.
-modelo: The linear model object.
-ihto: The initial iht computation result.
Dwivedi, A. K., Mallawaarachchi, I., & Alvarado, L. A. (2017). Analysis of small sample size studies using nonparametric bootstrap test with pooled resampling method. Statistics in Medicine, 36(14), 2187–2205.
Vanbrabant, L., & Rosseel, Y. (2020). An Introduction to Restriktor: Evaluating informative hypotheses for linear models. In R. van de Schoot & M. Miocevic (Eds.), Small Sample Size Solutions: A Guide for Applied Researchers and Practitioners (1st ed., pp. 157 -172). Routledge.
bootFbar(data = iris, formula = Sepal.Length ~ -1 + Species,
grp = "Species",
constraints = 'Speciessetosa < Speciesversicolor < Speciesvirginica',
nboot = 10, conf.level = 0.95, seed = NULL, na_rm = FALSE)