nparACT_base {nparACT}R Documentation

Classic Nonparametric Actigraphy Measures for Single Actigraphy Files


Function returns IS, IV, RA, L5, M10 as well as L5 and M10 start times for single actigraphy files. The function also returns a classic dual day plot for the data, a plot of minutewise averages across 24 hours as well as a plot for hourly averages across 24 hours.


nparACT_base(name, SR, cutoff = 1, plot = T, fulldays = T)



Character string containing the actigraphy file name. Actigraphy files must contain a first column with a date/time vector, which must be of form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS, i.e. in an unambiguous date format and a second column with actigraphy values.


Sampling rate in Hz.


Can be used to define a cutoff for actigraphy data. Default value is 1, i.e. all values are taken into account.


If TRUE plots are produced. Default is TRUE.


If TRUE only data from multiples of 24 hours (i.e. full days) are included while the rest of the data are discarded. Default is TRUE.


Data frame containing IS, IV and RA values. Besides this, L5 and M10 values are given along with the respective start times.


Christine Blume <> Nayantara Santhi <> Manuel Schabus <>

[Package nparACT version 0.8 Index]