notebookutils.credentials.getConnectionStringOrCreds |
Take linked service name as input and return connection string or credentials depending on the configuration of the linked service. |
notebookutils.credentials.getFullConnectionString |
Take linked service name as input and return full connection string with credentials. |
notebookutils.credentials.getPropertiesAll |
Return all the properties of a given linked service in string format. |
notebookutils.credentials.getSecret |
Return AKV secret. |
notebookutils.credentials.getSecretWithLS |
Return AKV secret using linkedService. |
notebookutils.credentials.getToken |
Get AAD token for a resource. | |
Get help message. |
notebookutils.credentials.isValidToken |
Returns true if the input token is valid (i.e, hasn't expired). |
notebookutils.credentials.putSecret |
Put AKV secret using with or without linkedService. |
notebookutils.credentials.putSecretWithLS |
Put AKV secret using linkedService. |
notebookutils.env.getClusterId |
Get cluster id. |
notebookutils.env.getJobId |
Get job Id. |
notebookutils.env.getPoolName |
Get pool name. |
notebookutils.env.getUserId |
Get user Id. |
notebookutils.env.getUserName |
Get user name. |
notebookutils.env.getWorkspaceName |
Get workspace name. | |
Get help message. |
notebookutils.fabricClient.delete |
Send a DELETE request to Fabric. |
notebookutils.fabricClient.get |
Send a GET request to Fabric. | |
Get help string for a method. |
notebookutils.fabricClient.listCapacities |
List all capacities in the workspace. |
notebookutils.fabricClient.patch |
Send a PATCH request to Fabric. | |
Send a POST request to Fabric. |
notebookutils.fabricClient.put |
Send a PUT request to Fabric. |
notebookutils.fs.append |
Append the given String to a file, encoded in UTF-8. |
notebookutils.fs.cp |
Copies a file or directory, possibly across FileSystems. |
notebookutils.fs.exists |
Check if a file or directory exists. |
notebookutils.fs.fastcp |
Copies a file or directory via azcopy, possibly across FileSystems. |
notebookutils.fs.getMountPath |
Gets the local path of the mount point. |
notebookutils.fs.head |
Returns up to the first 'maxBytes' bytes of the given file as a String encoded in UTF-8. | |
notebookutils.fs provides utilities for working with various FileSystems. | |
Lists the contents of a directory. |
notebookutils.fs.mkdirs |
Creates the given directory if it does not exist, also creating any necessary parent * directories. |
notebookutils.fs.mount |
Attach remote storage (Blob, Gen2, Azure File Share) to all working nodes (driver node and worker nodes) |
notebookutils.fs.mounts |
Show information about what is mounted. Any credentials used to mount the mount points listed will not be displayed. |
notebookutils.fs.mountToDriverNode |
Attach remote storage (Blob, Gen2, Azure File Share) to driver node | |
Moves a file or directory, possibly across FileSystems. For intra-FileSystem, it is implemented by hadoop fs rename operation. For inter-FileSystem, This is implemented as a copy followed by delete. |
notebookutils.fs.put |
Writes the given String out to a file, encoded in UTF-8. |
notebookutils.fs.refreshMounts |
Refresh workspace level mount points. |
notebookutils.fs.rm |
Removes a file or directory. |
notebookutils.fs.unmount |
Removes a mount point. |
notebookutils.fs.unmountFromDriverNode |
Removes a mount point from driver node. | |
Get help message for this module. |
notebookutils.lakehouse.create |
Create a lakehouse |
notebookutils.lakehouse.delete |
Delete a lakehouse |
notebookutils.lakehouse.get |
Get a lakehouse |
notebookutils.lakehouse.getDefinition |
Get the definition of a lakehouse |
notebookutils.lakehouse.getWithProperties |
Get the info of a Lakehouse with properties. | |
The lakehouse module. |
notebookutils.lakehouse.list |
List all lakehouses |
notebookutils.lakehouse.listTables |
List all tables in a Lakehouse. |
notebookutils.lakehouse.loadTable |
Starts a load table operation. |
notebookutils.lakehouse.update |
Update a lakehouse |
notebookutils.lakehouse.updateDefinition |
Get the definition of a lakehouse |
notebookutils.notebook.create |
Create a notebook |
notebookutils.notebook.delete |
Delete a notebook |
notebookutils.notebook.exit |
This method lets you exit a notebook with a value. |
notebookutils.notebook.get |
Get a notebook | |
The notebook module. |
notebookutils.notebook.list |
List all notebooks | |
Runs a notebook and returns its exit value. The notebook will run in the current livy session context by default. |
notebookutils.notebook.update |
Update a notebook |
notebookutils.notebook.updateDefinition |
Get the definition of a notebook |
notebookutils.notebook.updateNBSEndpoint |
provide a way to make people can update the endpoint |
notebookutils.runtime.context |
Get runtime properties | |
notebookutils.runtime is a utility to manage runtime context. context() returns the runtime context as a list. |
notebookutils.runtime.setHcReplId |
Set runtime high concurrency mode repl id |
notebookutils.session.stop |
Stop an interactive session |
notebookutils.warehouse.create |
Create a warehouse |
notebookutils.warehouse.delete |
Delete a warehouse |
notebookutils.warehouse.get |
Get a warehouse |
notebookutils.warehouse.getDefinition |
Get the definition of a warehouse | |
The warehouse module. |
notebookutils.warehouse.list |
List all warehouses |
notebookutils.warehouse.update |
Update a warehouse |
notebookutils.warehouse.updateDefinition |
Get the definition of a warehouse |
notebookutils.workspace.assignToCapacity |
Assign a workspace to a capacity |
notebookutils.workspace.create |
Create a workspace |
notebookutils.workspace.delete |
Delete a workspace |
notebookutils.workspace.get |
Get a workspace | |
The workspace module. |
notebookutils.workspace.list |
List all workspaces |
notebookutils.workspace.listArtifacts |
List the specified artifacts in the workspace |
notebookutils.workspace.unassignFromCapacity |
Unassign a workspace from a capacity |
notebookutils.workspace.update |
Update a workspace |