rnormp {normalp}R Documentation

Pseudo-random numbers from an exponential power distribution


Generation of pseudo-random numbers from an exponential power distribution with location parameter mu, scale parameter sigmap and shape parameter p.


rnormp(n, mu = 0, sigmap = 1, p = 2, method = c("def", "chiodi"))



Number of observations.


Vector of location parameters.


Vector of scale parameters.


Shape parameter.


If is set to the default method "def", it uses the method based on the transformation of a Gamma random variable. If set to "chiodi", it uses an algorithm based on a generalization of the Marsaglia formula to generate pseudo-random numbers from a normal distribution. The default method "def" is faster than the "chiodi" one (this one is introduced only for "historical" purposes).


If mu, sigmap or p are not specified they assume the default values 0, 1 and 2, respectively. The exponential power distribution has density function

f(x) = \frac{1}{2 p^{(1/p)} \Gamma(1+1/p) \sigma_p} e^{- \frac{|x - \mu|^p}{p \sigma_p^p}}

where \mu is the location parameter, \sigma_p the scale parameter and p the shape parameter. When p=2 the exponential power distribution becomes the Normal Distribution, when p=1 the exponential power distribution becomes the Laplace Distribution, when p\rightarrow\infty the exponential power distribution becomes the Uniform Distribution.


rnormp gives a vector of n pseudo-random numbers from an exponential power distribution.


Angelo M. Mineo


Chiodi, M. (1986) Procedures for generating pseudo-random numbers from a normal distribution of order p (p>1), Statistica Applicata, 1, pp. 7-26.

Marsaglia, G. and Bray, T.A. (1964) A convenient method for generating normal variables, SIAM rev., 6, pp. 260-264.

See Also

Normal for the Normal distribution, Uniform for the Uniform distribution, Special for the Gamma function and .Random.seed for the random number generation.


## Generate a random sample x from an exponential power distribution
## At the end we have the histogram of x
x <- rnormp(1000, 1, 2, 1.5)
hist(x, main="Histogram of the random sample")

[Package normalp version Index]