makeparam.norm {norm}R Documentation

Convert normal parameters to packed storage


Does the opposite of getparam.norm. Converts a list of user-specified parameters to a parameter vector suitable for input to functions such as da.norm and em.norm.


makeparam.norm(s, thetalist)



summary list of an incomplete normal data matrix created by the function prelim.norm.


list of normal parameters of the same form as one produced by getparam.norm. If the list has two components, the first must be the vector of means and the second must be the covariance matrix, where means and covariances are expressed on the scale of the original data. If the list has three components, the first must be the vector of means, the second must be the vector of standard deviations, and the third must be the correlation matrix.


normal parameter in packed storage, suitable for use as a starting value for em.norm, mda.norm, or mdamet.norm.

See Also

prelim.norm and getparam.norm.


s <- prelim.norm(mdata)   #do preliminary manipulations
thetahat <- em.norm(s)   #compute mle
thetahat <- getparam.norm(s,thetahat,corr=TRUE)   #extract parameters
thetahat$r   #look at mle correlations
thetahat$r[1,2] <- .5   #tweak a parameter
thetahat <- makeparam.norm(s,thetahat)   #convert to packed storage
thetahat <- em.norm(s,thetahat) #run EM again from new starting value

[Package norm version 1.0-11.1 Index]