norMix {nor1mix}R Documentation

Mixtures of Univariate Normal Distributions


Objects of class norMix represent finite mixtures of (univariate) normal (aka Gaussian) distributions. Methods for construction, printing, plotting, and basic computations are provided.


norMix(mu, sig2 = rep(1,m), sigma = rep(1,m),
       w = NULL, name = NULL, = FALSE)

var.norMix(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'norMix'
mean(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'norMix'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'norMix'
x[i,j, drop=TRUE]



numeric vector of length KK, say, specifying the means μ\mu of the KK normal components.


deprecated! numeric vector of length KK, specifying the variances σ2\sigma^2 of the KK normal components. Do specify sigma instead!


numeric vector of length KK, specifying the standard deviations σ\sigma of the KK normal components.


numeric vector of length KK, specifying the mixture proportions πj\pi_j of the normal components, j=1,,Kj = 1,\dots,K. Defaults to equal proportions


optional name tag of the result (used for printing).

logical indicating if the name attribute should use punctuation and hence be slightly larger than by default.

obj, x

an object of class norMix.

i, j, drop

for indexing, see the generic [ extractor function.


further arguments passed to methods.


The (one dimensional) normal mixtures, R objects of class "norMix", are constructed by norMix and tested for by is.norMix. m.norMix() returns the number of mixture components; the mean() method for class "norMix" returns the (theoretical / true) mean E[X]E[X] and var.norMix() the true variance E[(XE[X])2]E[(X- E[X])^2] where Xnorm.mixtX \sim \langle\mathit{norm.mixt}\rangle.

The subsetting aka “extract” method (x[i,j]; for generic [)—when called as x[i,]—will typically return a "norMix" object unless matrix indexing selects only one row in which case x[i, , drop=FALSE] will return the normal mixture (of one component only).

For further methods (density, random number generation, fitting, ...), see below.


norMix returns objects of class "norMix" which are currently implemented as 3-column matrix with column names mu, sigma, and w, and further attributes. The user should rarely need to access the underlying structure directly.


For estimation of the parameters of such a normal mixture, we provide a smart parametrization and an efficient implementation of the direct MLE or also the EM algorithm, see norMixMLE() which includes norMixEM().


Martin Maechler

See Also

dnorMix for the density, pnorMix for the cumulative distribution and the quantile function (qnorMix), and rnorMix for random numbers and plot.norMix, the plot method.

MarronWand has the Marron-Wand densities as normal mixtures.

norMixMLE() and norMixEM() provide fitting of univariate normal mixtures to data.


ex <- norMix(mu = c(1,2,5))# defaults: sigma = 1, equal proportions ('w')
plot(ex, p.comp = TRUE)# looks like a mixture of only 2; 'p.comp' plots components

## The 2nd Marron-Wand example, see also  ?MW.nm2
ex2 <- norMix(name = "#2 Skewed",
                mu = c(0, .5, 13/12),
	     sigma = c(1, 2/3, 5/9),
		 w = c(.2, .2, .6))

m.norMix  (ex2)
mean      (ex2)
(e23 <- ex2[2:3,]) # (with re-normalized weights)
          all.equal(var.norMix(ex2),     719/1080, tol=1e-14),
          all.equal(var.norMix(ex ),      35/9,    tol=1e-14),
          all.equal(var.norMix(ex[2:3,]), 13/4,    tol=1e-14),
          all.equal(var.norMix(e23), 53^2/(12^3*4),tol=1e-14)

plot(ex2, log = "y")# maybe "revealing"

[Package nor1mix version 1.3-3 Index]