Non-Parametric Concordance Coefficient

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Documentation for package ‘nopaco’ version 1.0.7

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$-method Extract argument values from a ConcordanceTest object
coef Extract test results from the results of a concordance.test
coef-method Extract test results from the results of a concordance.test
concordance.test Perform a nonparametric concordance test.
ConcordanceTest-class Class ConcordanceTest
get-method Extract argument values from a ConcordanceTest object
getPsi Obtain concordance coefficients.
getPsi-method Obtain concordance coefficients.
names-method Extract argument names from a ConcordanceTest object
nopaco Perform a nonparametric concordance test.
psifromR Convertion between Pearson correlation and the non paramtric concordance coefficient
rfromPsi Convertion between Pearson correlation and the non paramtric concordance coefficient
scores Hypothetical data of outcomes for two risk models