Create and Evaluate NONMEM Models in a Project Context

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Documentation for package ‘nonmemica’ version 1.0.8

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nonmemica-package Create and Evaluate NONMEM Models in a Project Context
absolute Check if File Path is Absolute Convert Vector to Best of Numeric or Character
as.bootstrap.bootstrap Create Bootstrap from Bootstrap
as.halfmatrix.default Coerce to Half Matrix by Default
as.init.init Coerce init to init
as.inits.list Coerce list to inits
as.matrix.halfmatrix Coerce Half Matrix to Matrix
as.model.character Coerce character to model
as.xml_document Create an xml_document in a Project Context
as.xml_document.character Create xml_document From Character
as.xml_document.xml_document Create an xml_document in a Project Context
as_nms_canonical Coerce to 'nms_canonical'
as_nms_nonmem Coerce to 'nms_nonmem'
as_nms_pmx Coerce to 'nms_pmx'
as_nms_psn Coerce to 'nms_psn'
comments.inits Extract Comments from Inits
comments.items Extract Comments from Items
comments.model Extract Comments from Model
contains Check Whether Text Contains Pattern
datafile.character Identify the Datafile for a Model
definitions Harvest Model Item Definitions
definitions.character Harvest Model Item Definitions
definitions.definitions Create Model Item Definitions from definitions
depends.default Identify Model Dependencies
errors.character Get Errors for Character
estimates.character Get Estimates for Character
fixed.init Check if init is fixed
fixed.model Check If Model is Fixed
generalize Generalize a Nonmissing Value
ignored Extract Index for Ignored Records
initial.model Get Model Initial Estimates
initial<-.model Set Upper Bounds for Model Initial Estimates
likebut Modify a Model
lower.model Get Lower Bounds for Model Initial Estimates
lower<-.model Set Lower Bounds for Model Initial Estimates
meta.character Get Metadata for Character
metaplot.character Metaplot Character
metaplot_character Metaplot Character, Standard Evaluation
metasuperset Retrieve Model Outputs with Metadata
modeldir Identify the Directory for a Model
modelfile Identify the Modelfile for a Model
modelpath Resolve A Path to a Model-related File
modelpath.character Resolve A Path to a Model-related File for Character
ninput Calculate Number of Inputs
ninput.character Calculate Number of Inputs for Character
ninput.numeric Calculate Number of Inputs for Numeric
nms Translate Parameter Names
nms_canonical.character Generate Canonical Names for Character
nms_canonical.model Generate Canonical Names for Model
nms_canonical.nms_nonmem Convert NONMEM Parameter Names to Canonical
nms_nonmem.character Generate NONMEM Names for Character
nms_nonmem.model Generate NONMEM Names for Model
nms_nonmem.nms_canonical Convert Canonical Parameter Names to NONMEM
nms_nonmem.nms_pmx Convert pmxTools Names to NONMEM
nms_pmx.nms_canonical Convert Canonical Names to pmxTools
nms_pmx.nms_nonmem Convert NONMEM Names to pmxTools
nms_psn.character Generate PsN-style Names for Character
nms_psn.model Generate PsN-style Names for Model
nonmemica Create and Evaluate NONMEM Models in a Project Context
offdiag.halfmatrix Isolate Off-diagonal of Half Matrix
parameters.character Get Parameters for Character
partab Create Parameter Table
partab.character Create a Parameter Table from Model Name
partab.partab Create Parameter Table
problem.character Identify the Model Problem Statement for Character
psn_nested PsN Model File is Nested
psn_options Set PsN Options
relativizePath Relativize a Path
resolve Resolve File Path
rosetta Translate Parameter Names
runlog.character Create a Runlog for Character
safe_join Join Data Safely Join Data Frames Safely
shuffle Move the Columns of a Data Frame Relative to Each Other
specfile.character Identify the Data Specification File for a Model
superset.character Coerce to Superset from Character
superspec Create Specification for Model Inputs and Outputs
superspec.character Create Specification for Model Inputs and Outputs From Character
superspec.numeric Create Specification for Model Inputs and Outputs From Numeric
tad Calculate Time Since Most Recent Dose
tad1 A NONMEM-like Dataset
tod Calculate Time of Most Recent Dose
tweak.default Tweak a Model by Default
tweak.model Tweak Model
updated.character Create the Updated Version of Character
upper.model Get Upper Bounds for Model Initial Estimates
upper<-.model Set Upper Bounds for Model Initial Estimates
xpath Evaluate Xpath Expression
xpath.default Evaluate xpath Expression in Default Context
xpath.xml_document Evaluate xpath Expression in Document Context