nonmem2rx {nonmem2rx}R Documentation

Convert a NONMEM source file to a rxode model (nlmixr2-syle)


Convert a NONMEM source file to a rxode model (nlmixr2-syle)


  inputData = NULL,
  nonmemOutputDir = NULL,
  rename = NULL,
  tolowerLhs = TRUE,
  thetaNames = TRUE,
  etaNames = TRUE,
  cmtNames = TRUE,
  updateFinal = TRUE,
  determineError = TRUE,
  validate = getOption("nonmem2rx.validate", TRUE),
  nonmemData = FALSE,
  strictLst = FALSE,
  unintFixed = FALSE,
  extended = getOption("nonmem2rx.extended", FALSE),
  nLinesPro = 20L,
  delta = 1e-04,
  usePhi = TRUE,
  useExt = TRUE,
  useCov = TRUE,
  useXml = TRUE,
  useLst = TRUE,
  mod = ".mod",
  cov = ".cov",
  phi = ".phi",
  lst = getOption("nonmem2rx.lst", ".lst"),
  xml = ".xml",
  ext = ".ext",
  scanLines = getOption("nonmem2rx.scanLines", 50L),
  save = getOption("", NA),
  saveTime = getOption("nonmem2rx.saveTime", 15),
  overwrite = getOption("nonmem2rx.overwrite", TRUE),
  load = getOption("nonmem2rx.load", TRUE),
  compress = getOption("nonmem2rx.compress", TRUE),
  keep = getOption("nonmem2rx.keep", c("dfSub", "dfObs", "thetaMat", "sigma"))



NONMEM run file, like an .xml or .lst file or even a control stream


this is a path to the input dataset (or NULL to determine from the dataset). Often the input dataset may be different from the place it points to in the control stream because directories can be created to run NONMEM from a script. Because of this, when this is specified the input data will be assumed to be from here instead.


This is a path the the nonmem output directory. When not NULL it will assume that the diretory for the output files is located here instead of where the control stream currently exists.


When not NULL this should be a named character vector that contains the parameters that should be renamed. For example, if the model uses the variable YTYPE and has CMT it isn't compatible with rxode2/nlmixr2. You can change this for the input dataset and the model to create a new model that still reproduces the NONMEM output by specifying rename=c(dvid="YTYPE")


Boolean to change the lhs to lower case (default: TRUE)


this could be a boolean indicating that the theta names should be changed to the comment-labeled names (default: TRUE). This could also be a character vector of the theta names (in order) to be replaced.


this could be a boolean indicating that the eta names should be changed to the comment-labeled names (default: TRUE). This could also be a character vector of the theta names (in order) to be replaced.


this could be a boolean indicating that the compartment names should be changed to the named compartments in the ⁠$MODEL⁠ by COMP = (name) (default: TRUE). This could also be a character vector of the compartment names (in order) to be replaced.


Update the parsed model with the model estimates from the .lst output file.


Boolean to try to determine the nlmixr2-style residual error model (like ipred ~ add(, otherwise endpoints are not defined in the rxode2/nlmixr2 model (default: TRUE)


Boolean that this tool will attempt to "validate" the model by solving the derived model under pred conditions (etas are zero and eps values are zero)


Boolean that tells nonmem2rx to read in the nonmem data (if possible) even if the model will not be validated (like if it is a simulation run or missing final parameter estimates). By default this is FALSE, nonmem data will not be integrated into the nonmem2rx ui.


The list parsing needs to be correct for a successful load (default FALSE).


Treat uninteresting values as fixed parameters (default FALSE)


Translate extended control streams from tools like wings for NONMEM


The number of lines to check for the $PROBLEM statement.


this is the offset for NONMEM times that are tied


if present, use the NONMEM phi file to extract etas (default TRUE), otherwise defaults to etas in the tables (if present)


if present, use the NONMEM ext file to extract parameter estimates (default TRUE), otherwise defaults to parameter estimates extracted in the NONMEM output


if present, use the NONMEM cov file to import the covariance, otherwise import the covariance with list file


if present, use the NONMEM xml file to import much of the NONMEM information


if present, use the NONMEM lst file to extract NONMEM information


the NONMEM output extension, defaults to .mod


the NONMEM covariance file extension, defaults to .cov


the NONMEM eta/phi file extension, defaults to .phi


the NONMEM output extension, defaults to .lst


the NONMEM xml file extension , defaults to .xml


the NONMEM ext file extension, defaults to .ext


number of lines to scan for comment chars when ⁠IGNORE=@⁠, default is 50


This can be:

  • a NULL (meaning don't save),

  • a logical (default FALSE, don't save) that when TRUE will use the base name of the control stream, append .qs and save the file using qs::qsave()

  • A path to a file to write

    Note that this file will be saved with qs::qsave() and can be loaded with qs::qread()

  • A NA value which means save if the whole process (including validation) takes too much time


The time that the translation/validation needs (in secs) before it will save to avoid having to rerun the model (default 15 for 15 seconds)


is a boolean to allow overwriting the save file (see load for more information).


a boolean that says to load the save file (if it exists) instead of re-running the translation and validation. Note if overwrite=TRUE and load=TRUE then this will overwrite based on time stamp of the files. If the save file is newer than the input file, then load that file, otherwise regenerate and overwrite. This works best if you point to an output file, like a .xml or listing file instead of the control stream


a boolean indicating if the UI should be a compressed UI. If you are using this for simulation with old versions of rxode2, the compressed ui is not supported, so this should be FALSE. Otherwise use TRUE if you are using a newer rxode2.


is a character vector of imported model items that are kept in the model itself; The defaults is "sigma" which keeps the sigma matrix in the model itself. You can add rxode2 solving options that are imported from NONMEM to keep in the model.


Since some of these options you may want to set per project, the following options are queried:


rxode2 function


# You can run a translation without validating the input.  This is
# a faster way to import a dataset (and allows the CRAN machines to
# run a quick example)

mod <- nonmem2rx(system.file("mods/cpt/runODE032.ctl", package="nonmem2rx"), lst=".res",
                save=FALSE, validate=FALSE, compress=FALSE)

# Though by default you likely wish to validate the input

mod <- nonmem2rx(system.file("mods/cpt/runODE032.ctl", package="nonmem2rx"),
                 lst=".res", save=FALSE)


# you can plot to compare the pred/ipred differences


# if you want to see the individual differences
# you can by plotting by page of plots

plot(mod, nrow=2, ncol=2, page=1, log="y")

# or select which pages you want to print

plot(mod, nrow=2, ncol=2, page=c(1,3), log="y")

#' or even  all the individuals with
# plot(page=TRUE)

plot(mod, nrow=5, ncol=5, page=TRUE, log="y")

# you can also convert to a nlmixr2 object, but need babelmixr2 for
# that conversion

[Package nonmem2rx version 0.1.4 Index]