Causal Inference in the Presence of Treatment Noncompliance Under the Binary Instrumental Variable Model

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Documentation for package ‘noncompliance’ version 0.2.2

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ACE_bounds Bounds for the Average Causal Effect (ACE).
ACE_bounds_posterior Posterior bounds for the Average Causal Effect (ACE).
ACE_bounds_triangle.plot "Triangle" plot of the posterior bounds for the Average Causal Effect (ACE).
AllColTotalsH0_CONT Finds all column totals for Compliers and Never Takers under the sharp null for Compliers.
AllPossiblyObsH0_CONT Finite population sample space given an observed dataset.
Check_ACDE_bounds Bounds for the Average Controlled Direct Effect (ACDE).
Check_IV_ineqs Check of the Instrumental Variable (IV) inequalities.
expand.grid.DT Expand.grid using the data.table package.
FindMLE_CONT_H0_hypergeoR Maximum Likelihood Estimate under the sharp null for Compliers.
FindMLE_CONT_H1_hypergeoR Maximum Likelihood Estimate without assuming the sharp null for Compliers.
Get_pvalues_CONT Exact finite population p-values under the sharp null for Compliers.