Estimation of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Noise from Single-Cell Data

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Documentation for package ‘noise’ version 1.0.2

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computeExtrinsicNoise Compute estimates of the extrinsic noise.
computeExtrinsicNoiseKnownCor Compute estimates of the extrinsic noise using a known correlation in the min-MSE estimator.
computeIntrinsicNoise Compute estimates of the intrinsic noise.
computeNoiseForSubset Select a random subset of data for noise estimation.
elowitz_data Expression of reporter genes in the D22 and M22 E. coli cells from Elowitz et al (2002).
simulateSC Simulate single-cell expression levels of two reporters
yang_nl10 Expression of reporter genes in the NL010 E. coli cells from Yang et al (2014).